No Secret Your Mine

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Bakugo's P.O.V

After the dismissal bell rang I got up and went to Kirishima's desk. "Want to go out for dinner tonight?" I asked. Kirishima looked up at me as he stood up. "Like a date?" He asked. I nod and noticed Pinky staring at us. I glare at her and she looks away. "Uh sure..what time should be leave?" He said as we walked out of the classroom. "How about five that way we can take the bus their and walk back" I said looking at him. "Sounds good. Uh I have a question for you" said Kirishima as I opened the door for him. "What is it?" I asked following him outside. "Do you want to keep our relationship a secret?" Asked Kirishima looking back at the three idiots who were obviously following us. I glare at them. "No Secrets..unless your not comfortable" I said looking at him. He shakes his head. "No totally comfortable with it. Just wanted to make sure you-" I kissed him on the lips to shut him up. I glare back at the three idiots who were screaming and jumping back there.

We entered the dorm building and Pinky ran up to us. "Omg are you two like together" she asked smiling. Kirishima blushed. "Yeah he's mine so back off Pinky" I said grabbing his hand.  I pull him away from the three Kirishima fan girls. I didn't let go as we walked up to the elevator. "Hey Bakugo?" Said Kirishima. "Hmm" I hum. "Your mine as well right?" He said looking up at me with big eyes. My God he's beautiful and cute. Dam my heart. "Of course" I said leaning down to kiss him. The elevator doors open and Deku jumps at the sight. I break the kiss and glare at him. "Uh s-sorry" said Deku running off. Kirishima laughed as we got in the elevator.

I kissed Kirishima before we go to our rooms.  I take off my jacket and unbutton my shirt. "Oh Bakugo did-" Kirishima paused when he saw me half naked. "Did what?" I asked facing him. Kirishima blushed and looked away. "Did you see my phone? I think I forgot it this morning" said Kirishima looking away still. I smirked and grab his phone off the floor. I walked up to him. "Here *kiss* see you in two hours" I said giving him his phone and a kiss on the cheek. "Ah yeah...uh thanks" said Kirishima blushing red. I smirk as he walked out of my room. I sigh and return to changing my clothes.

After a quick shower and an outfit change I finished getting ready in my bathroom. I wore black skinny jeans, white tank-top and a black jacket. I brush my teeth and style my hair a little. It is natural spiked and pooffy but I like to add some snore spike to it. I put a thin line of eye liner on my bottom lash line. I stare at it then to the top. I stare at myself for a minute then nod. I was ready. I check the time and walked outside of my room. I walked up to Kirishima's door and knocked. "Coming" he said before opening the door. Black tank-top, red flannel button up opened, black skinny ripped jeans and his hair was still spiked. He looked me up and down. "Woah you look good" said Kirishima. I smirk. "You don't look half bad your self" I said with a wink. He blushed.

We sneaked out of the dorms and past the gate. We got on our bus and headed to the restaurant. Once in I lead Kirishima to a table near the window. We sit down in the booth facing each other. "Hmm American food" said Kirishima drooling over burgers. I chuckled and looked over at the water who was walking out way. "How may I take your order?" She asked. "One large cheese burger, large fries and a large water" said Kirishima smiling. "Chicken strips, small fry and an ice tea" I said looking at her. She blushed and nods. She writes it down and walked away.

As we ate I noticed Kirishima starting at something. I turn following his gaze. The water from before was looking at me. I looked back at Kirishima with a wide grin. "Hey Kirishima are you by chance mad at her?" I asked sipping on my tea. He glanced at me for a second then finished his burger. "No..of course not. Why do you ask?" Said Kirishima before finishing his water. "Hmm I think your jealous of her...but don't worry" I said before eating my last chicken strip. "Why?" Said Kirishima. "Because am yours and your mine" I said biting into a fry. He turns red.

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