Is He Gay?

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Bakugo's P.O.V

I woke up before my alarm and got up. I stretched and took my phone with me to my small bathroom. I had no missed texts or calls. I remember the ground chat and clicked on it. I scrolled through members and clicked on Pinky's profile. I sent her a message, 'We need to talk' and then set it aside. I got ready and when I was about to grab my phone to leave I got a notification. I looked at it was from Pinky, 'Okay sure. ʘ‿ʘ' . I stared at the message and shook my head. I pocket my phone and grab my bag. As I walked out I saw Kirishima standing by my door. "Oh hey" said Kirishima. "We're you waiting for me?" I asked. I lift a brow at him. "Ah yeah I wanted to walk to class trying to avoid Denki" said Kirishima looking away. I sighed and walked to the elevator.

Pinky waved at us when we walked into the classroom. I sit down at my desk and Kirishima walked over to Tape face. Pinky walked over with a smirk. "You wanted to talk sir Bakugo?" She asked as she put a hand on her hip. "I need to talk to you about Kirishima. Meet me on the roof during lunch" I said glaring at her. She nods and winked before skipping her way back to her desk. I roll my eyes and looked out the window. Caliper walked in and starts attendance.  I looked over at Kirishima and thought about yesterday.

The bell rang for lunch and I went straight to the roof. I check my phone as I sat down on the short  concrete wall that circles the inner edge of the roof. "Hiya Bakugo" said Pinky walking up to me. I looked up at her. She had a tray in hand. "So what about Kirishima did you want to talk about?" She said smiling as she sat down across from me. She placed her tray in her lap. "I..uh. know about Kirishima's past" I said trying to think of how am going to get on the subject of him being gay or not. "Oh..did he tell you?" She asked opening her chocolate milk.

"Yeah but only after some kids from his middle school came up to us" I said looking up from my phone. "Hmm yeah those two are jerks" she said before taking a sip of her milk. " Kirishima gay Uh just wondering cause those kids called him some names" I said lying. I hope she doesn't question Kirishima. "Uh yeah he's gay. He doesn't tell the world but he doesn't hide it either. But ive never heard them call him names like that... someone must've found out somehow and told them. Oh ...I see" she said with a smirk. I looked at her. She wiggles her eyebrows. "Bakugo do you like Kirishima?" She asked as she wiggles her brows.

Fuck am that obvious?! "Uh what makes you say that?" I asked with a glare. "Well I mean you just suddenly wanted to talk about Kirishima and now want to know he's gay" said pink smiling. I sighed. "If you tell anyone I will kill you" I said glaring harshly at her. "Yes of course, you have my word Bakuhoe!" She said crossing her heart. "What did you just call me?!" I yell as I stood. She panics and jumps up to her feet. She runs with her tray in her hands. I glare at her as she ran away. I sit back down with a sigh. At least I know he swings that way and I might have a chance.

I walked into class and Pinky smiled at me. "Hey bro why weren't you at lunch?" Asked Kirishima as I walked by him. "Wasn't hungry" I said as I walked to my desk. I sat down as the R rated hero walked in for history class. She takes out her whip and whips the ground. "Okay class get out your book an turn to page fourty three" she said smiling. I roll my eyes as I dig for my history book. I turn to the page and wait. I looked over at Kirishima who was flipping through his book. When should I tell him I like him? Should I tell him? What if he already has a boyfriend or a crush? What if he doesn't like me? I sighed and looked back at my book. This is hard, love is almost as complex as trying to figure out how my parents fell for each other.

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