Fuck PDA

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Bakugo's P.O.V

I glare at everyone as they stare. My cheeks turn pink. "Fuck you looking at!" I yelled. They went back to doing what they were doing before. Mina screams and jumps up and down. "I guess you're my non Virgin friend Kiri" she said happily. Kirishima blushed. "Can't I just stay the Bi one?" Said Kirishima with a sigh. I felt a tap on my shoulder All Might looked at me. "Uh young Bakugo I would like a word with you" he said clearing his throat. Fuck. He leads me to the arena exit and into the locker rooms. "Listen young Bakugo..I understand that your in a relationship with young Kirishima but.. please keep certain things private" he said looking at everything but me. "Tell that to those nosy idiots" I said putting my hands in my pockets. "Yes they push for answers but you don't have to tell them or at least yell it for the whole class to hear. There are rules at U.A, rules we should follow. Like PDA" said All Might. I looked at him. Public display of affection..really. That's the whole rule bull shit he's spilling on me.

All Might walked back to the class and I stayed back in the lockers. Fuck rules am going to kiss Kirishima when ever I want to. I glare at the lockers and small explosions go off my hands. I looked over at the clock and decided I should take a shower. It's almost time for dismissal. I like taking showers before or after those Idiots. They always talk about working out and compare each other. I take off my hero outfit and grab a towel. I walked into the showers and went into the little stall like thing. I close the half door and drape my towel over it. I turn on the water, burning hot. I sit under the water letting it soak my thick hair. Water drips down my face and I sigh. The hot water felt good.. almost relaxing. "Katsuki!? You in here?!" Yelled Kirishima in the locker room. "Yeah in the showers" I yell back. I brush my bangs out of my face and soaked my hair. I run my fingers through it and pull back my hair. It stays that way.

I heard the door open and Kirishima walked in. He was still in his hero outfit. "Oh your .. washing..up" said Kirishima staring at me. I smirk. "Yeah..want to join me before the others show up?" I said looking at him. He bites his lip in thought. He quickly goes back to get out of his her outfit. I chuckled softly and waited for him. He walked in with a towel wrapped around his waist. He walked up to the stall next to mine. "In mine..I need you to wash my back" I said smirking at him. His eyes widened and he walked over to mine. He laid his towel on top of mine and opened the door. I smile back at him as he entured. The small space was now smaller. He closed the half door. I pass him the liquid soap and he squirts some into his hands. PDA can fuck off for all I care. Right now I want Kirishima and nothing can stop me.

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