Caught And Punished

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Bakugo's P.O.V

Kirishima rubs at my back slowly and almost massages my muscles. I close my eyes and relax under his fingers. He the rubs his hands around my sides and a shiver runs down my spine. He then rubs at my chest from behind. I could feel his chest hit my back as he rubs circles around my pecks. He the rubs lower than lower until he's at my v line. He takes his hands away as the water washes the soap away. I heard him pour some shampoo into his hand and loot back at him over my shoulder. He had hooded eyes and a smirk. I looked forward as his hands run through hair. I moan softly. It felt good. He scrubs my hair the brings his hands past me to wash the shampoo off. He then taps my back and I turn to face him. The water washes the soap and shampoo off as our lips meet. I closed my eyes and wrap my arms around his waist to pull him closer.

"Bakugo Kirishima" said a pissed voice. We flinch and jump apart. It was the zombie caliper. His eyes were glowing and his hair was floating. He was pissed. "Both of you after school" he said before walking away. Kirishima frowns and walked out of my stall. He starts to dry him self off and I glare at were the Caliper once stood. That bastard ruined everything. I rinse the rest of the shampoo out of my hair as Kirishima walked away to get dressed. I dry off after turning the water off. The bell rang and idiots were now walking in. I got dressed and flipped off Pinky who was out side the door waiting for the two idiots. I saw Kirishima up ahead. He smiled a little and walked up to meet me. "Ready to face Aizawa's rath together?" He said smiling. I roll my eyes.

We walked into homeroom where he waited for us. "Am going to chat with you both separately, Kirishima wait outside" said the caliper. I glare at him as Kirishima walked outside of the room. "Have a seat" he said looking over at me. I stand and cross my arms. "All Might told you about the PDA rule right?" He asked. I looked away. "You know rules are rules. I should suspended you for this.." he said with a sigh. I glare at him.

"Two day suspension and if I see it again it won't be a suspension but expellsion. Got it?" He said looking at me. "tch whatever" I said glaring at him. He sighs. "We done?" I asked. He nods and I walked out the door. Kirishima looks at me nervously before going in. I stand by the door, leaning against the wall and wait for him. If he gets suspended as well ..that's okay with me. More time with him and less with those idiots. Soon Kirishima walked out. He sighs and looked at me. "So what did you get?" I asked as we walked out of the school. "I got a warning" he said with a smile. I frown and glare at the ground. FUCK PDA AND FUCK RULES!

I Want The Real You {Kiribaku}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora