Sick But Not Weak

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Bakugo's P.O.V

Kirishima came in with a tray and I sat up in my bed. He unfolded the metal legs on the bottom and sat in in my lap. A bowl of soup and a cup of warm water. "Thanks" I said as he sat on the bottom edge of my bed. "No prob" said Kirishima looking away. I picked up my spoon and ate a spoon full of the soup. I was surprised it tasted good. "You didn't fuck it up" I said taking another spoon full. "Yeah soup is the only thing other than mac and cheese  that I can actually cook" said Kirishima looking back at me.  I nod and eat my soup. I take a sip from the hot water. My heart felt warm again and also tight. "I am going to go start up a bath for us" said Kirishima getting up. Wait for us?! I watched him walk out with wide eyes.

I finished my soup and water by the time Kirishima came back. He took care of everything and came back in as I was sitting up."Here let me help you" said Kirishima walking over. "Am fine. Am sick not weak" I said standing up. Kirishima shook his head and followed me close behind. I grab a pair of sweatpants and a baggy long sleeve black shirt. We walked to the elevator and went down to the bath floor. I walked in with Kirishima close behind. I place my close out and took off my shirt. I toss it into a box and saw Kirishima next to me doing the same.

I quickly tie the towel around my hips and noticed Kirishima already sitting down at the stool to wash up. I sat at a stool a little bit away from him. I start to wash my skin when I felt dizzy and foggy again. "You okay Bakugo?" Asked Kirishima washing his hair. I looked over. "Am fine" I said washing my chest. He looked away and rised his hair. I finished my skin and went to grab the shampoo. A tan hand grabbed it before I could. I looked up at Kirishima."I will wash your hair for you" he said squeezing some out into his hand. I roll my eyes and looked away. He walked behind me and started scrubbing my hair. I closed my eyes at the feeling.

It felt so good to have him wash my hair. His fingers going through my hair. I let out a soft groan as he scrubs. My eyes pop open as his hands stop. I put a hand to my lips. Shit. "Feels good huh? I remember my mom doing this for me as a kid" said Kirishima continuing. I sigh in relief. My heart calms down but still feels warm and tight. "Careful am rising it" said Kirishima grabbing a shower head. He pulled it over and started to rinse my hair. After a minute he puts it back. "Okay let's go soak" said Kirishima cheerful. I stood up and almost lost balance. Kirishima puts a hand on my shoulder to help balance me. "Careful" said Kirishima. I walked over to the tub and got in. Kirishima sat across from me.

I got up after a few and Kirishima got up as well. I step out as he did and slip on some spilled water. Fuck! I felt arms on me as I fell. I was not on the ground. I opened my eyes and looked down. Kirishima's face was red as he looked up at me. My eyes widened as I took in this  situation. Kirishima's hair was wet and spread out around his head. His cheeks were red. His eyes widened and his pupils were dilated. His abs and arms were wet. His towel was lose and his lips. His plump pink lips were calling to me. My heart was racing again. I noticed he was slowly getting closer. My eyes were half closed as I lean down to meet him. Our lips met and sent sparks down my spine. Arms suddenly wrap around my neck and pull me down closer.

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