His Past

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Bakugo's P.O.V

"Hey you okay?" I asked as I watched them leave. He turns away from me. His shoulders were low and so was his head. He got up from the seat without a word. He runs twords the bathrooms. "Hey wait!" I said running after him. I opened the door slowly and saw his shoes peaking from under the stall. I walked over and heard him. He's crying. Next time I see those guys I am going to kill them. I push the door open and his head shot up. His face was tear stained and his eyes were puffy red. "Hey..you okay?" I asked softly. He nods and I don't believe him. I took a step forward and hug him. He was surprised and froze for a second before hugging me back.

After he was done crying into my shoulder I lean back. He wipes his eyes and face. "Want to tell me what that was about? If you don't that's fine...I will just kill them later" I said trying to make him smile. He smiled at the thought of me chasing after them. "No..it's fine. They we're just my old bullies from my old school" said Kirishima looking down at the tile floors. "Bullies? What did they do?" I asked trying to hold back my anger. He sighed before continuing."They pushed me into lockers, kicked me, punched me, threw stuff at me and ...almost drowed me" said Kirishima. Drowed him! "Okay that it am going to go kill them" I said pissed off. I turn to leave but Kirishima wraps his arms around my waist. That strange feeling returned at full force. "There not worth it...but could you promise to keep this a secret. Only Mina knows and I don't want anyone else finding out" whispered Kirishima who was still wrapped around my waist.

After we walked out of the bathroom we saw a panicking dad. "Aw thank God your fine..I was worried you ran off and got hurt" said Kirishima's dad. Kirishima smiled wide. "Nope just had a bathroom break. Hey Dad want to verses me at the shooting game?!" He said running up to it. "Your on sport" he said walking over. Kirishima had been through a lot. Bullies, parents fighting and getting devices. Am clueless has to how he has kept his smile through it all. I might've seen the real him today. Scared, shy and fragile. Not the kirishima I knew. Happy, cheerful and a ray of sunshine. Or is he both of them and just hides one side of himself? I watched Kirishima play the game with his dad. Is Pinky really the only other one to know about those bullies? Did he have only one friend back then? Why didn't he tell his parents..I bet it was because of the divorce. Kirishima dose blame things on himself easily..so he might just think it's his fault and doesn't want to add to the stress. I shake my head.

After we spent all the quarters at the arcade we went to a pizza place. Me and Kirishima sat on one side of the booth and his dad on the other. We got two large pizzas, pepperoni and meat lovers.  "Aw the pizza looks good" said Kirishima drooling as the pizzas were placed onto the table. "Dig in boys" said Kirishima's dad. I took a slice of both and nibble on one. Kirishima stuffs his face and I looked over at his dad who was doing the same. You can definitely tell they are related. I sip on my water and thought about today. I knew most of Kirishima's past now but should I tell him how I feel? What if he doesn't like me that way? Or I somehow ruin our friendship? I glare at my pizza in thought. It would be easier if I knew if he was ..gay or at least Bi. But how- Pinky, she knows him better than I do. They tell each other every thing. I finished my slice as Kirishima's dad orders our ice cream.

After a long day with Kirishima's dad he drops us off at the gate infront of the school. "Sorry boys but I got a sick little girl at home, don't need two hero's getting sick" he said looking at us as we got out. "No prob dad" said Kirishima. "We'll see ya boys, it was nice meeting you Bakugo" said Kirishima's dad. "Yeah" I said. He nods and drove off. I yawn and look at my phone. It was eight at night. "Am going to bed" I said as we walked in. "Already? It's only eight" said Kirishima looking at his phone. "Well I go to bed at eight and it's a school night" I said going over to the stairs. "Oh ok good night am going to watch a movie with the squad" said Kirishima walking twords the common room. "Yep good night" I said looking back. He smiled and I walked up the stairs.

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