How We Feel

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Bakugo's P.O.V

"uh ah yeah am feeling better" I said looking away. "Mina wants us to talk know" said Kirishima. "The kiss?" I said looking twords the door. He sighed. "Yeah...look am-" "Am sorry" I said looking back at him. His eyes widened. "Why are you sorry I am the one who kissed you?" Said Kirishima. My eyes widened."No am sure I was..." I said turning to fully face him. "Uh.. B-Bakugo do you uh like me?" He asked blushing. My heart stops. "I..fuck..yes I like you" I said looking down at the floor. Kirishima walked twords me and lifts my head up with his hand that he put on my chin. "I like you too" he whispered before leaning in. My heart pounds. Our lips meet and we kiss.

We kissed for a solid two minutes straight and I wanted it to be longer but Kirishima's water was boiling over. "Fuck my water" said Kirishima breaking the kiss. He runs to the stove and I  just stand there. My phone goes off and reminds me my mother was probably waiting for me. "Uh..I will be right back" I said putting my granola bars on the counter. I jog out and slip on my slippers. I run out and saw mom waiting by the gate. "The fuck took you so long!" She yelled as she smacked the back of my head. "Ouch the fuck! I was busy!" I yelled back at her. I grab the bag and she drives off. I make my way back to Kirishima. I walked into the kitchen and place the bag on the counter.

I looked through the bag as Kirishima sat down at the table to eat. "Uh well uh.. Bakugo..can I ask you something" said Kirishima looking over at me. I nod and I noticed a box of chocolates. "How long did you like me?" Asked Kirishima before eating a spoon full of Mac and cheese. "I... don't know I only recently noticed my emotions twords you. Am assuming a while cause...yeah" I said taking out the chocolate. I place the box next toe on the table and dig through the bag some more. "I see...uh this is a dumb thing to ask but uh would you be my boyfriend?" Asked Kirishima looking down at his bowl. I froze and looked up at him. "Tch yeah. Kinda became my boyfriend when you kissed me" I said grabbing a stuffed shark. I looked at it then at Kirishima. I tossed it over to him and grabbed the next item.

"Oh thank you" said Kirishima smiling down at the shark. I grab the floral shirt and glare at it. "Where did your parents go on vacation?" Asked Kirishima. "Hawaii" I said tossing the shirt onto the table. I grab the last item and it was a pair of black sunglasses that had  white skulls on them. Kirishima giggled when I put them on. "They look good on you" said Kirishima finishing his bowl. "Hmm..I think they might look better on you" I said taking them off. I put them on Kirishima and he smiled. "How do I look?" He asked. I smile. "You look good" I said getting up to through the bag away.

Kirishima and I walked up the stairs. He had his shark in his arms and the sunglasses on. I had the chocolates in hand and the shirt draped over my right shoulder. I walked up to my dorm door. "Hey you want to come in and help me eat these chocolates?" I asked. Kirishima smiled wide. I walked in with Kirishima hot on my heals. I grab my laptop and put on Netflix. I sat down on the bed with the laptop I from of me. Kirishima stood there. "Oi come sit" I said patting the spot next to me. He jumps onto the bed and sits next to me. I place the chocolates between us and put on a movie.

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