They Made Him Sad

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Bakugo's P.O.V

I yawn as I woke up. I slept on the futon next to Kirishima's bed. I sat up and stretch. "Good morning Bakubro" said Kirishima looking over. He was still in his blanket burrito. "Morning" I said getting up. I stretched and took care of the futon. "Today am going to visit still want to come along" he said getting up. I looked back at him. His hair down and messy. He had pj bottoms on and was shirtless. "I guess" I said walking over to the clothes Kirishima set out for me. "Alright" he said going through his dressers to get himself something to wear. He walked out to the bathroom across the hall and I changed in his room. Black jeans, baggy white shirt and white socks. I fold my clothes and pile then next to Kirishima's bag.

Kirishima wore a pair of camo shorts and a black tank-top. He stuffed his bag and placed my clothes on top. "Let us go eat breakfast" said Kirishima smiling. I follow him out and down the stairs. Kirishima's mother had pancakes and sausage out for us. "Am going to work sweetie.. have fun at your dad's" she said kissing Kirishima on the forehead. "Ok love ya mom" he said as she left. We sat down to eat and I noticed Kirishima pour the maple syrup onto his pancakes then his sausage. That's a lot of maple syrup. "Dad should be here any minute" said Kirishima stuffing his face. I smile at the stupid display. Maple syrup all over this mouth and his cheeks were stuffed full of pancakes. When he turns to look at me I hide my smile. I eat my pancakes. "Dude you don't like maple syrup?" Asked Kirishima. I looked down at my plate. "Don't like a lot of sweet things" I said before eating a sausage.

A black SUV waited in the driveway for us. A tall man with large arms leaned against it. He had black short almost straight hair and baby blue eyes. He smiled and Bam there were the shark teeth. "Oh hello you must be Bakugo. Am Kirishima Akio" said Kirishima's dad. "Bakugo Katsuki" I said as I shook his hand. We got in and I noticed a car seat. It was empty. "Alright boys ready for a day of adventure?" He said as he backed out of the driveway. "Yeah..what's the adventure this time dad?" Asked Kirishima. "Well I heard the arcade is back up and running. We can go there then go for pizza and ice cream after" said Kirishima's dad. "Awesome!" Said Kirishima smiling wide.

We arrived at the arcade and Kirishima's dad gave us tons of quarters. As we walked in to play I saw him take a phone call. "Whatcha want to play first?" Asked Kirishima. "You choose" I said looking around. He runs up to a racing game. "Let's do this first then. I love this one!" He said quickly sitting in one of the chairs. I sat down next to him. He put in the quarters and we push start. I chose a Ferrari and Kirishima chose a limbo. We raced and I noticed two kids our age staring at us. They pointed to Kirishima and started to whisper. I was distracted and loser the race. "Heck yeah am the winner" said Kirishima happily. "Tch whatever" I said as I noticed the two boys walk over. "Hey is that you Kirishima?" Asked one. Kirishima flinched and for a second he frowns. He puts a smile on his face. "Yeah..hey guys" he said looking back at them.

"Woah man almost didn't recognize you.  I like the spiked red hair looks good" said the short one. They smirk and I noticed Kirishima didn't want to talk to them. "It's been a while since we last saw each other. You still crying to Ashido?" Teased one. Cry? The fuck are they talking about! I don't like these extras. "Oi extras get lost" I said standing up. They looked at me like they just realized I was there. "Oh are you his friend? Wait.. aren't you that kid from-" "Get fuckin' lost or else" I said glaring. My tone was low and harsh. Kirishima looked at me surprised. "Woah there man we just want to catch up with our pal Kirishima" said the tall one. Small explosions go off in my hands. "Go" I said ready to fight them. They looked at each other and walked away.

I Want The Real You {Kiribaku}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora