The abused girl part 1

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Chapter 1:

"What are you doing Jessie?" my mother called to me. 

"Nothing mum. I'm just doing homework..."  I called back knowing what I just said was a lie. 

You see my mum doesn't know I self-harm. I have been doing for about 6 months now. It all started when I met my real dad Paul. At first I thought he was cool, always spoiling me. And my mum? Well let's just say she fell back in love with him after all these years of being apart. 

I did think it was a good thing that they got back together and that my family was complete again. But I was wrong. I hate my 'dad' with a vengeance.

"Jessie honey I'm going out for a while.  Your dads here so if you go anywhere let him know." mum bellowed up the stairs. 

"Ok mum see you." I half groaned at her for leaving me with HIM. 

I knew I had to go before he came up. But where was I going to go at 9pm at night? 

At 16 years old I could be at a mate's party right now. Its Friday night so I figured why not. 

I quickly got dressed and put some make up on. I stood back to look at myself. With long blonde hair, sparkly blue eyes and a slim size 8 I wasn't bad looking for my age I thought. Even though my confidence was very low thanks to that person I called 'dad'.

Once done I quietly opened my bedroom door and sneaked onto the landing. Making sure I avoided the creaky floorboard. 

"And where do you think you're going dressing like a common tart!!" my dad screeched in my ear while holding me by the hair. 

"Please let go. You're hurting me! Please." I screamed at him. 

"No way young lady you're not going nowhere. You're coming with me!" my dad told me. All the while he was reeking of alcohol and cigarettes. He made me feel sick! 

"Get in there!" dad shoved me to the other end of his and my mums room with such force I cracked the back of my head against his set of draws. I winced in pain and felt the back of my head for signs of a lump. Yep there was a small lump forming where I had banged my head.

I was crying by this point, tears trickling down my face. I was looking at my dad with pleading eyes but he showed me no remorse. All 6ft 5in of him stood leering over me, anger in his brown eyes. He looked like a rugby player, built heavily. I stood no chance against him if he was planning on doing what I thought he was going to do.

"You, You're such a horrible little creature.  I should have forced your mother to get rid of you from the moment she told me she was pregnant." he spat at me. It felt like a bullet going through my chest thinking about what he said. I pushed it to the back of my mind. I had to get away from him...but how?

"Please dad don't do this." I begged him but he raised his fist ready to strike me. I covered my face and closed my eyes ready for the beating I was going to get.

"Paul? Jessie? Where are you guys?" my mum shouted just as dads hand was about to come into contact with me. My dad suddenly stopped and looked at the bedroom door, looking shocked to hear my mum's voice. 

"We're in here Marie." he calmly shouted back to my mum. 

"Not a word brat. Do you understand?!" he whispered to me. I nodded my head in agreement and got up. I straightened myself out before my mum got to us. I was so relieved to hear my mum's voice. I pictured her in my head. Her mucky blonde hair, blue eyes and her sweet smile with her dimples made me feel all warm inside. I imagined what it would be like for her to know what was going on  How she would hold me and tell me everything is going to be ok. I didn't have it in me to break her heart and tell her what dad was doing to me. She loved him. I would hide my secret for as long as I had to, even if it killed me in the process.

My mum opened the bedroom door to see us both standing there. She saw me with mascara down my face and she came straight to me and gave my dad a questioning look. 

"Jessie love what's wrong? Have you been crying?" mum gently asked me. 

"Paul what's going on here? Why's Jessie upset?" she demanded to know. I quickly spoke before my dad. I had to make an excuse up so she didn't find out the truth. 

" I was arguing with dad. I wanted to go to Jade's house 'cos she's having this party.  But dad said I wasn't allowed to go. So I kicked off with him. Sorry dad..." I said. Trying to convince my mum that what I said was the truth. 

"Well at least you've apologised but next time I say you can't go somewhere it means you do as your told ok?" my dad smirked at me. I really hated him. Why was he doing this to me I thought. If only mum knew the truth... 

"Right well Jessie you shouldn't be arguing with your dad so have a bit of respect. I raised you better than that. And Paul lighten up a little. The girls 16 not 6. And besides it's her best mate Jade's house so I trust her." 

"But Marie its going on 9:30pm now. Don't you think it's a little late for a child to be out at this time?" my dad questioned mum. But she just raised her hand and waved off his question with a smile. 

"Listen I only came back to get my purse. But now I'm here Jessie would you like a lift to Jade's? I'm going past hers anyway so it's no trouble honey?" 

"Erm yeah please mum and thanks. Could you just give me 10 minutes to sort my face out? I'll be down soon I promise." 

"You better sort your face out 'cos you look like a panda." my mum giggled away at her little joke. I smiled back. I'm glad she is here and glad for her letting me go to Jade's. At least I'll be away from him.

I ran into my room and sorted myself out as quickly as I could. Once I was done I ran downstairs and put my heels on and headed out to mums car. I got in the passenger seat and we drove off. I stared out the window the whole journey until we reached Jade's. I wonder what tonight will bring....

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Hey guys! This is my first ever story so please go easy on me lol!! Positive criticism or good compliments are great ha-ha if you want to hear more of the story then please either






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