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Author's note: HEY GUYS!! this is my first attempt publishing my story on Wattpad. I hope you guys enjoy it! Please do reach chapter two to jump into the main mystery. I'll update twice a week or so. Do stick around to the end. I promise not to disappoint ;) Enjoy!!!! P.S. the chapters aren't long. I'll try an increase the size the more I write. for now please please adjust with the same. love love!

 Without thinking Jane blurted out, "hey I know you. You are that same girl whose grandfather was arrested for committing fraud!". Several eyes turned towards Melissa. "yeah. but don't worry ma'am. She won't be stealing anything from your tent tonight.", Jason added. We were stunned for a moment.

I gave Jason my best 'what the fu*k' look. It took Melissa only a few seconds before tears gushed down her eyes and she ran inside her tent. Roger and I rushed after her. Jason followed us. He spoke in a slow, comforting voice. "Melissa I am so sorry. I do not know what came over me. I did not mean that. I swear. I would never want to hurt you like that. Melissa please talk to me". 

She came outside the tent. "fu*k you Jason. You have no idea how many hours I spent in therapy just to get that image of my grandfather being arrested out from my mind. You'll never understand my pain." Mel yelled and stormed into the woods. Jason picked up his feet and went after her but came back all alone.

"Melissa? Melissa, where are you?", screams echoed throughout Hallow forest. "Melissa can you hear me? I am sorry we got into an argument. I never meant any of those things I said. I am really sorry. Melissa please don't do this. Please come back", yelled Jason.

We searched high and low, but Melissa was not found. All we could do was return home and wait to hear from the police department. Time became hazy after that. Everything was a blur. Roger did not want to go home. An empty house with the memories of his lost love did not seem like a good place to live. So, he began living with Jason and me. Time seemed to be fleeting by quickly.

A little did we know we'd find her. But when we did, we never expected to find her dead. 

Author's note: How was that for my first prologue ever? I promise you the story does get extremely interesting. Initially you might think that the story is moving slowly, but trust me it isn't. I had to build up the backstory in the first three chapters. Chapter two onward the fun begins. 

Just trust me and swipe to the next chapter :) 

Until next time, love love. 

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