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"relax. I am not that guy anymore. I just want a word with Anne." He said throwing up his hands.

"Jason, let me talk to him. it will be fine. I can deal with this assh*le. After all, he's just an ex-boyfriend." She spoke sharply. "I am right here if you need me." she walked off to the other side of the room and spoke with Enzo. My mind was racing. Why was Enzo here? after so many years, what work did he possibly have with Anne? Who is Enzo you ask me?

Enzo was Anne's ex. They dated six years ago. He broke her heart when he kept on cheating on her with another girl. Anne knew about it and confronted him. He swore that he would stop, and she trusted him. But the trust shattered into bits and pieces when she caught him red-handed. She broke up with him that very moment. With the incident involving her uncle, and then Enzo, Anne was devastated.

She never said anything in front of us, but it didn't take a genius to figure it out that she was going through a lot of pain. I liked Anne since a while back then. But I never admitted it. Slowly, over time, I noticed her reciprocating feelings. That's when I finally mustered enough courage and asked her out. Anne said yes immediately, and we have been dating ever since. Enzo knew we were together. But he never stopped texting or calling her, even though she did not want to talk to him.

Heck! That crazy guy began stalking her! Melissa even made Anne get a restraining order against him. I couldn't deal with his rubbish anymore, so one day, when he was trailing her at the jogging park, I confronted him. he denied everything. Being my over-protective self, I punched the daylights out of him. After a broken nose, black eye, and bruised cheek, he left Anne alone. He wasn't seen around town. That's when we realised, Enzo left Halesville altogether.

And now, he was back. And watching Anne talk to him was extremely frustrating. Wait, nobody saw him around here in a while. And he just happens to be in town when Melissa's killer was lurking about? What if he was involved? Maybe I am just over-thinking. Or am I? Anne, babe please hurry up!


"Jason, let me talk to him. it will be fine. I can deal with this assh*le. After all, he's just an ex-boyfriend." I replied before walking off with Enzo. "what do you want?" I crossed my arms. "I know Melissa was murdered and not killed." He said. "what! Not true." I lied. "you and I both know that you're lying. Admit it babe. You, your boyfriend and Roger are looking for the killer." He smirked. "first of all, don't you dare call me babe! And second of all, how do you know about all of this?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I have my sources." He said as I scoffed. "why are you here anyway?" I asked. "I am just here to warn you. You are meddling with some dangerous business." He replied. "Yeah. No shit Sherlock! I can look after myself, thank you very much." "these guys are extremely powerful. You can look after yourself, but what about the people helping you? one's already kidnapped and the second one looks like he's about to burst a blood vessel because I am here talking to you." he said. "don't let your curiosity pull others into danger. Because curiosity killed the cat. Or should I say kidnapped the cat?"

"once an assh*ole always an assh*ole." I muttered. "you done yet?" "yes. Just stop interfering and you'll get Roger back." He said as he walked off. "roger? how?" I questioned, but he was gone by then. I walked back to Jason. "he said that we are meddling with dangerous business. And these guys are extremely powerful. If we stop interfering, we can get Roger back. But he didn't tell me how." I spoke before Jason could ask me anything.

Jason didn't say anything. He just stared grimly. "kids! Here's the guest list." David called from behind. We opened the folder and laid it on a table as we went through the entire list. "Sean Gerald?" I asked aloud. "he was on the list?" "Mr. Gerald? He's one of our anonymous donors. And a rather generous one as well. He donated seventy-five thousand dollars. Our biggest donation of the evening." David answered. "he's connected to all of this somehow. Anne, we need to talk to him tonight! That's the only way we'll get one step closer to finding Roger." Jason told me.

"yeah you are right. let's go." I said. "David, thank you for everything, but we need to go now. Goodnight!" I said as I took Jason's hand into mine and ran towards the exit. We got to our car, paid the chauffeur some money and left with the car telling him to collect it from our place the next day. "babe can you pull up Sean's address?" Jason asked from the driver's seat. I had saved his address on my phone. "twenty-two, maple street, Jacksonville." I read aloud. "it's a good fifteen-minute driver from here." I added. "we'll have to stop for gas then." Jason informed. The drive till the gas station was mostly in silence.

We got out of the car. While Jason filled the car with gas, I entered the store and picked up a pack of gum and Gatorade for us, hoping that will keep us awake. Soon enough, we were on our way again. Sean's house was only eight minutes away from the gas station. We crossed the 'you are now leaving Halesville' board. And then the 'welcome to Jacksonville' board. We turned left onto maple street and hunted for house number twenty-two.

"wow. Not what I had expected." Jason murmured. The house was a tidy two-story. Just like the others on the street. I was expecting something bigger, considering he was a huge donor." He added. "you and me both. No one likes flaunting their wealth more than the rich. This guy is different." I said. "only the garage light is on. Let's check if someone's home or not." We walked up to the door and rang the bell. No body answered. We rang it twice more, that's when the door opened.

"oh hello. Sorry I was tied up in my garage." A man faced us wiping his powdery hands on a towel. "we need to speak to Mr. Sean Gerald. Urgently." Jason told him. "well you're in luck. I am Sean Gerald. What I can do for you? Please, do come in." he held the door wide open for us. "thank you." Jason and I said in unison. The house was not what we expected from outside. most of the furniture were antiques. An interesting fact was, they all had a similar pattern. Which meant they were procured from the same antique dealer. This guy was super rich, but he did not flaunt his wealth. Something was slightly off.

We sat down on some lavish velvet maroon sofas. "Mr. Gerald" I began. "Please, call me Sean." He cut in. "Sean, I don't know if you've heard, recently, a young nineteen-year old girl, Melissa Pane was murdered in Halesville." "Murdered? I thought it was an accident!" he said dramatically shocked. "Somehow, we've connected her case to the Haleston family. After doing some research, we found out, you were the only witness of the fire that took place at the Haleston mansion. What can you tell us about that night?"

"I don't know anything to be honest. I don't even know if the fire was an accident or was started on purpose." He answered. "I just saw the house ablaze and called the fire department." "Did you see anything out of the ordinary? Maybe someone escaping?" Jason asked. "I thought I saw someone escaping. But when the police searched the area, they found no one. So, I dismissed the thought." Sean replied before his phone rang. "I am so sorry. I need to be somewhere. I have told you all that I know. In case you need my help please let me know. For now, buh-bye." He said as he ushering Jason and I towards the door. 

"thank you, Mr. Gerald." we said as we left his house. "is it just me or did you hear those weird sounds?" I asked Jason. "what sounds?" he was bewildered. "can't explain it. Muffled slash cutting slash sawing?" I replied making it sound more like a question. 'Nope. Maybe its in your head." Jason shrugged off the topic."this guy is so weird." I told Jason. He nodded his head in agreement as we entered the car.

 Just as we were about to pull out of the driveway, a ringing sound filled the air. "is your phone buzzing Anne?" Jason asked. I checked my phone, "no" I said surprised. "the sound is coming from the glove compartment. Check that." Jason instructed. I opened it, only to find a burner phone. I answered it. "hello?" "hello Anne Stark." a voice on the other line replied. "looking for Roger? well don't worry. He's safe with us. for now, at least."

My eyes widened in shock! "it's the kidnappers." I mouthed to Jason.

Author's note: any thoughts on Enzo? Or Sean Gerald? Comment below and lemme know what you think! Look out for the next update! That's when y'all will know what the kidnappers want!

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