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We reached Chipotle and Roger and I finally collected our order. We were just about to step out of the door when a waitress stopped us.

"excuse-me ma'am. I think you dropped your bracelet. Here you go", she said as she handed it back to me.

"wow it's a really beautiful one. It's so rare and intricate. Must be expensive. I have only seen that on one another person's hand", She added. 

"what? Whom? Will you be able to recognize her?" I asked 

"her? It definitely wasn't a her. It was a him" she clarified.

"and no, I won't be able to recognize him because he was riding in a car with jet black window films. He came through the drive-through wearing gloves in summer. Weird right?" she said.

My curiosity was spiking by the second. "you must have at least got a glimpse of him" I questioned.

"sadly, no. he was wearing a baseball hat. He had toned muscles for sure. That's all that I can remember."

 "thank you so, so much." Roger and I left the restaurant and headed towards the car.

"Anne! Wait! If that guy game through the driveway, the cameras must have caught the number plate of the car. We can run a scan on it and see where it leads us!" Roger told me with his eyes shining with excitement.

We went back inside and hunted for the same waitress who spoke to us earlier.

"so? Can we see the security footage?" Roger completed his whimsical excuse.

"we don't mind tipping you a little extra for this act of kindness", I added. 

"there's no need for that. The camera system has been down since the past three months. Nobody bothered to get it fixed. It's a fast food restaurant. People don't care" she said. 

"oh! Okay. No worries. Thank you", I muttered, and we left the place and headed back home.

"hey Jason", Roger said to him, placing the bag of food on the table. "hey guys. Did you find it?" he asked.

 "oh, we didn't only find the bracelet, we found lots more", I told him.

 "so did I. Casey left around ten minutes ago, and we got a good amount of dirt on the Halestons. How about we dig into that delicious bag of food and then share our discoveries?" Jason said with a grin.

"so, what did you get for me? Please, please tell me the spicy chicken burritos."

"actually, we just picked up two salads for the both of us", I said with a sly grin, winking at Roger.

"didn't you have lunch with Casey", Roger said trying to stifle a laugh at Jason's shocked expression.

 "are you kidding me right now? You know that Chipotle is my favorite right? I so hate you guys", he cried.

"how about you order something for yourself?" I told him as I tossed my phone in his lap.

"nuh-uh. Not eating. I am too upset to eat", he said as he stormed off into our room.

Roger swiftly removed three plastic containers. "hmm yum" he said loud enough for Jason to hear. "looks like they sent us an extra order. Well I don't mind eating a spicy chicken burrito." Jason rushed back into the hall. 

"you guys are so mean!", he yelled at us as he snatched the burrito from Roger. Roger and I just stood there laughing.

We dug into our salads and began discussing the case. We filled in Jason with the information we found and handed him the bracelet for him to see.

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