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"Anne? Anne?" someone shook me. I tried my best to open my eyes. I found Enzo facing me. "Enzo! What are you doing in my apartment?" I yelled surprised. "no silly. You are at Chad's place. Looks like both you and Jason got wasted last night. When I unlocked the door, I found you both out cold on the floor. You both stink of some delicious weed. Some expensive stuff too. "we did not get wasted." I grumbled. "knockout drug."

"knockout drug!" Enzo exclaimed! "has to be the kidnappers." "oh my God! Why didn't I think of that earlier?" I retorted sarcastically. "looks like someone woke up from the wrong side of the bed. Oh, wait, floor!" Enzo chuckled. I flipped him off. "anyways you need to get back home! Wake up that stupid-ass boyfriend of yours and leave!" he said sharply. "Jason is twice the man you'll ever be dipshit." I growled. "oh, and that drug? It's pretty expensive and pretty rare. A little makes you feel great, but too much can knock you out" Enzo told me. "how do you know?" I asked inquisitively. He smirked and left the room.

"urgh! That douchebag! Why can't he just answers questions for once in his freaking life! I swear imma punch him in the face next time he leaves me hanging.!" I ranted. Unsurprisingly my ranting did not wake Jason up. "Jason? Babe? Wake up." I nudged him gently. "uh what?" he grumbled sleepily. "we are still at chad's place." I said quietly. He jolted awake. "what happened? how are we still here?" he quizzed. "calm down. Last night, we both got drugged. We passed out in the room." I explained.

"the kidnappers! They did this right?" I nodded my head. "what did they want?" "they want the Haleston family will. Whatever that is." I told him. "the will? How in the world are we supposed to find it?" he asked. "the voice said we have everything. Documents, hacker, cop friends, bracelets." I recollected. "we only have two days." I said grimly. "then they'll...?" he continued. "yeah. they will." I cut him off.

"let's go home." He said, getting up from the floor. He stretched his hand out for me to take it. I pulled myself up and we stumbled out of the room. We drove to the Starbucks near our apartment and got some coffee. "Two black coffees please." Jason ordered. We needed something to keep up wide awake after the exhausting night we had. We sat down at a table near the window. "Should I call Casey? Maybe she'd be able to find out information regarding the Haleston family will." Jason suggested.

"The kidnapper did say we have everything. How about we go through all the evidences we have collected so far. Maybe we missed something." I told him. "possible." He muttered and we both focused on gulping down some nice and hot coffee. We reached home and took quick showers. I ordered us food, while Jason pulled out all the evidence folders. "let's go through everything from the top" I said. "I'll list them down." Jason told me. I nodded in the affirmative.

"Sheriff Manny. He first declared Mel's death as an accident. Because someone paid him to do so." I recalled. "That someone is from the Haleston family. Nobody has heard from that family since years. And all of a sudden, they are active. The family supposedly perished in the fire. So, no idea whether it was on accident or on purpose." Jason added. "Who were the last of the kin?" I asked. "Family of four. So, a father, mother and twins." He replied. "That's all that we have. Oh, and yeah! the bracelets we found. We have two of them." He reminded me.

"One that the gloved hand was wearing, the other that Melissa snatched from her attacker. They match the family crest." I added. "The secret room in the police station and the fake coroner's report definitely suggests that we are dealing with people having contacts in all the right places, and they are rich enough to pay all of them." Jason said. "This leads to the Haleston family again. They were super rich. But even if they did it, why would they kill Melissa? Absolutely no connection." "You never know. " I shrugged

"well there is a missing page from Mel's file. But that again is a dead end." I sighed. "you know what Jason? I think Roger knows something. Like he is hiding something. When I found out that a page was missing, he got all sweaty and uncomfortable." I voiced up my worry to Jason. "Possible. That could explain why they took him." Jason added. "Moving on, we then found files belonging to the Haleston family. where we found another crest. Where are those pages anyway?" I asked rummaging through all the papers spread around me and Jason. 

When Blood Runs Bad (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora