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"Babe, have you finished setting up your stall?" Jason asked Anne. "Yeah. Just done. How's the place looking?" she replied. Jason walked up to the Swim team's stall. He circled his arm around Anne's waist. "looks wonderful." He kissed her. "oh and by the way, thanks for the idea." She winked. The two of them are so cute!

Anne took one final glance at the stall. Five, very large plain white canvases hung vertically. About a hundred tiny balloons filled with paint were attached to each canvas. Players would be given three darts each to pop those balloons to create balloon paint art. At the end, the paintings were going to be sold. Half the amount would go to the school, and the other half to the children's centre I used work at.

"come on! I wanna see what the football team has put up!" Anne grinned excitedly. Jason laughed at her enthusiasm as they walked towards the stall his team put up. "bean bag toss? Damn I love this! We have to play have here once our shift is over! Deal?" Anne jumped up and down like a kid on Christmas morning. She loves funfairs and turns into a total kid once she's in one. Oh, how I miss her!

"Anne! Jason!" Roger and Mia called them from behind. "hey guys!" Jason greeted, his arm not leaving Anne's waist. "you know bro, I seriously thought you were gonna third wheel Anne and I today." he teased. "ha ha very funny." Roger rolled his eyes. "besides I have the best company in the world right next to me." He clutched Mia's hand in his and winked at her.

"what time are you guys working at the stall?" Mia asked Anne and Jason. "now actually." Jason looked at his watch. "we're working from 4pm to 5pm. We'll be free the entire evening." Anne added. "oh okay. We're working from 5pm to 6pm. So, we'll catch you after 6?" Roger asked. "definitely." Jason grinned. "so, I'll come to your stall to pick you up. don't leave without me, 'kay?" he turned to Anne. "yupp. See you then." she kissed him before hopping off to her stall .

Roger and Mia strolled through the funfair with Mia's hand in his. He even won a bear at the ring toss for her. I am so glad they found each other. "hey Mia, I want to take to somewhere." He told her. "where?" she asked. He grinned and tugged towards the Ferris Wheel. The giant wheel was beautifully lit up by yellow twinkling lights.

"this is so pretty!" Mia was simply mesmerized. "will you ride with me Miller?" Roger grinned. "of course Meadows!" she smiled back. They bought their tickets and climbed into a seat. The Wheel spun and stopped when Roger and Mia were right at the top. The timing was immaculate. The sun was descending right behind the mountains. The sky was tinged with a beautiful shade of orange.

"this is the most beautiful sky I've ever seen." Mia said staring into the horizon. "I know. So beautiful." Roger smiled. But he wasn't talking about the sky. He was facing Mia. She caught him staring at her and blushed slightly. He tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ears., "Mia I need to ask you something." "hmm?"

"we've been talking since the past three months now. And Mia, I really like you. Like a lot since a while now and if I held it in any longer, I would burst with emotions. And today, on this gorgeous evening, I want to ask you this, Mia Miller, will you be exclusive with me? Will you be my girlfriend?"

Tears pooled Mia's eyes. The fondness and love for Roger shone brightly in her eyes. "oh, Roger you won't believe how long I was waiting for this! I was worried about us moving too fast after Melissa. I just didn't want you to feel rushed." Mia began rambling. "Mia?" Roger clutched his forehead and blushed. "please, just answer." "I'm sorry." Mia blushed equally hard.

"yes! Yes Roger! I'd love to be your girlfriend." She said happily. "you just made me the happiest man today evening." Roger said before leaning to kiss her. Finally! He finally asked her! If Beyonce's music existed here in Heaven, I'd be dancing like crazy.

Roger used to come visit me in the cemetery at least once in a month. He came yesterday and told me he was gonna ask Mia out. As guilty as he felt doing that, he knows I want him to be happy. I am in fact happier than he is. I am glad he found someone as adorable as Mia Miller for himself. I knew that sweet boy missed me everyday and Mia understood that was well. She kept him happy, which in turn keeps me happy.

Roger also told me he was sticking with Meadows and not Haleston. He was gonna use the wealth he inherited and convert the Haleston Mansion into a children's centre for orphans. So that they could be taken care off. The entire project was going to be funded solely by him. Roger believed because he was adopted, he could lead a comfortable life, and even if one couple adopted one kid, kids won't have to go homeless and fend for themselves anymore. And a temporary place for them to live was a great start. I am so proud of Roger for doing this. 

Soon it was 6pm, Mia headed towards Roger's stall since she was done earlier, and the happy couple headed to meet up with Anne and Jason. They reached the decided spot before Anne and Jason could arrive. Mia came up on her tippy toes and kissed Roger passionately, seizing the opportunity before the other happy couple could greet them.

Just then, Anne and Jason made their entrance. "are you seeing what I am seeing?" Jason rubbed his eyes. "y-yeah. Roger just had an intense make out session with Mia Miller!" Anne replied, equally in shock. Roger broke the kiss and spotted Jason and Anne. Mia and he sheepishly walked up to them.

Anne looked confused for second. "wait a minute. So, after three months of talking and texting, you finally asked her out?" she asked surprised. Mia shook her head excitedly. "you, sly guy! Couldn't tell your best friends, could you?'" she swatted his arm playfully. Roger just chuckled. "oh my God! I am so happy for the both of you." she gushed and pulled Mia into a hug. "well, it's not his fault. He just asked me today." Mia giggled. "Wow Roger! Proud of you bruh." Jason pulled him in a hug.

"Roger just popped the question when we were at the top of the Ferris Wheel, during sunset." Mia said happily. "I knew you were romantic, but damn you out did yourself." Jason laughed. "anyways, I am so freaking happy you guys got together. Way to go bro." Anne chuckled.

And the four of them headed into the fair, laughing and enjoying their lives like regular high school seniors. And as for me you ask? Well you'll be happy to know, I found peace. I spend most of my time watching over my dear ones and I love every second of it.

So, folks, I must bid you adieu. You've seen a happy ending, and I hope you get one too!


Author's note: So there you have it peeps! That was officially the last chapter of When Blood Runs Bad!!!! 

I am so sooooo grateful to each and every one of you who have WBRB and have shown your support! Damn it feels soooo good to have your first book ever gain so much love <3 

Vote, and comment for one last time! Share the story if you've enjoyed it! 

okay so for a few common questions- This book is a stand alone book. There won't be a sequel to it. Also, I wrote only two bonus chapters, so there won't be any more coming up. Originally, I was planning a different ending for WBRB but then, since it's my first book, I wanted the characters to have a happy one! (weird i know but can't help help it ;))

In case you want me to write a like a prequel chapter, of Melissa hanging about with the three, comment pleaseeee. I love y'all sooooooooooo much!!!!!!! 

I'll see y'all in my next book! 

Until next time, love love. 

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