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"Melissa? Melissa, where are you?", screams echoed throughout Hallow forest. "Melissa can you hear me? I am sorry we got into an argument. I never meant any of those things I said. I am really sorry. Melissa please don't do this. Please come back", yelled Jason.

We searched high and low, but Melissa was not found. All we could do was return home and wait to hear from the police department. Time became hazy after that. Everything was a blur. Roger did not want to go home.

 An empty house with the memories of his lost love did not seem like a good place to live. So, he began living with Jason and me. Thankfully his ankle began healing well.

Time seemed to be fleeting by quickly. Within roughly two days, the news that Melissa was found dead by Gerry and a couple of boy scouts spread far and wide.

As soon as we got the news, Roger, Jason, and I rushed to Rhode falls to see what was happening. When we got there, Melissa's body was already dragged out of the water and was placed alongside the banks.

Watching the scene threw me right back to senior prank night. The pool prank.

People stood behind the yellow barricades watching every action taking place. It was gut-wrenching to see her lying there, her beautiful tan changed to a ghastly white. She laid there, lifeless as reporters swarmed the area.

"Sheriff Manny, could you please shed light on the case?" reporters questioned. 

He let out a sigh. "it is extremely unfortunate that such a terrible accident has taken place. We will be sending Ms. Pane's body to the coroner's office to get further details. But as far as we could tell, her leg got stuck in a sunken tree's branch and she failed to haul herself out. So, she drowned and died."

As the police were busy examining the area we crept up to her body and had a look. Roger clutched Jason's arm while he stood crying.

Meanwhile I noticed a red mark around her neck and a few fibers of rope stuck on her dress.

 I could only think of one thing- Melissa was murdered.

 Someone had chocked her using a rope and her had thrown her body into Rhode falls trying to make it look as if she had drowned and died. Upon further inspections I saw a green seaweed-like thread tied around her ankle. Clearly another failed attempt to cover up a murder. 

I informed Roger and Jason about my suspicions. They noticed the same things that I did and were shocked. The only thing surprising was if we could notice this, how come a team of experts from the police department, including the sheriff couldn't? Weird isn't it?

On hearing Sheriff Manny's words Roger broke into a fury. "accident! This was no freaking accident! She was murdered! My girlfriend was murdered! Go check her body again! How can you lie about such a thing?"

"You must conduct your investigation again. And this time do it properly. A high school swim team's captain cannot drown so easily". Roger's outburst drew all possible attention from the reporters and the on-lookers.

 I nudged him, "Roger keep your mouth shut and don't draw unnecessary attention. I promise we'll find her killer together. But this needs to be done extremely discreetly. I'll help you. And so, will Jason. For now, let's just go home and think about all that has happened today." Roger piped down.

We were ready to head back home, when suddenly our attention was drawn towards the sound created by a set of tyres screeching.

Out of the car stepped Mr. David and his wife Mrs. Katherine, Melissa's parents. The constant chattering paused as all eyes turned towards them. 

They weren't the only ones who stepped out of the vehicle. Our camp instructor, Tony was with them. Mr Pane spoke in a clear, loud voice "you!", he said pointing at Jason.

"you killed my daughter. First you drove her away into the woods alone. Then you followed her and killed her. I am sure of it. Arrest him officers!".

"we have no evidence against him Mr. Pane", Sheriff Manny answered.

"I am sure the camp instructor would be ready to testify against him", Mr Pane countered.

"look. I know for a fact that Jason did provoke her. But I do not know if he killed her or not." Tony replied.

 "this is enough. Mr Large you are under arrest", bellowed the sheriff.

"on what basis?", I yelled as I stood in front of Jason.

"he is a potential suspect of a murder".

"oh, for goodness sake! You called it an accident just two minutes ago", I said loud enough for the reporters to hear. I lowered my voice before saying,

"it's clear you are under his control, lying in his pocket. A slave of green coloured paper."

 "listen here young lady. Stay within your limits before I throw you into jail for trespassing. Then you and your puny boyfriend can give each other company in jail. Now step aside. Mr. Large is going to prison whether you like it or not.", the Sheriff told me.

He pushed me aside roughly and pulled Jason by his collar. My throat ran dry. This was too much to handle. Roger tried to go after Jason but was I had to stop him. There was too much drama going on already. We couldn't risk causing any more trouble.

 "Jason, I swear I'll get you out of there. I am going to my father right now. I am sure he will be able to get you out. He is the best lawyer in Halesville.", I screamed as I saw my boyfriend mercilessly being dragged in front of my eyes. Roger and I got into my car. We drove straight to my parent's house.

"Father are you there?"' I cried out. 

"honey what happened? Are you both okay? Where's Jason?", my mother asked. "your father is in his study. Come on in". I rushed in. Roger followed.

 "father, Jason has been arrested. You have to get him out of jail". 

"calm down sweetheart. Explain every single detail to me. Do not overlook anything. We will get him out today itself.Roger and I explained everything to my father. Careful enough not to leave any possible detail out. I also told him what I found out about Melissa's death.

 "this information will do. Let's head downtown. go ahead in your car. I'll follow you in mine", he instructed.

Author's note- liking it so far? I hope you are. Lemme know if you have any suggestions as to improving my content. Pleaseeeee do VOTE, SHARE AND COMMENT.

Quick question- do you think Jason is involved in Melissa's murder? Until next time, love love.

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