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2 weeks later school finally let us out for summer break. All that we four could talk and think about was our upcoming camping trip. Final preparations were done and a week later we found ourselves in the middle of Hallow forest with a bunch of other campers. The group we were a part of had really decent and fun people. 

But I couldn't help noticing a strange, middle-aged woman who kept shooting daggers at Melissa and Roger whenever they got too close and comfortable. Anyways it never bothered us as we just put her into the 'old, backward mindset' category.

We assembled at the edge of the forest. A board with 'start point' written in red faced us. "there are three routes in this forest marked for trekking. All three paths lead to the foot of the hills where Rhode falls is." Tony our camp instructor told us.

 "there are signs all over the forest in case you get lost. Three paths are indicated with red, yellow, and blue flags. We are using the path indicated by red flags." Tony went on.

"I can't believe we are finally doing this!" Melissa whispered excitedly to me. "chill girl." I laughed. Melissa always wanted the four of us to go on a trek since a while now. It was fun seeing the child in her come to life. 

"as long as you don't step on bear traps everything will be fine." Tony concluded. "Let's start this trek!" A loud cheer erupted around us and we headed into Hallow forest.

Mel and I were way ahead of our guys. I looked over my shoulder, "come on boys. Catch us if you can!" Melissa and I raced ahead. "oh you guys are so going to lose." Roger said as Jason hi-fived him. Jason ran towards me.

 I pushed my feet as fast as I could to race him. he finally caught me from behind and enveloped me in a bear hug.

"oh move over." I said as I tried to push him off. Jason tripped over a root of a tree and fell down, pulling me down with him.

We rolled down the slope and landed where Melissa and Roger were busying clicking pictures. We were laughing and giggling like a bunch of kids. "what happened to you guys?" Roger quizzed us. We just stood up laughing and dusting leaves and grass off our clothes. 

"don't ask" I said with a chuckle.

We reached our camp-side around 5 in the evening. "okay so we need to start pitching our tents before sunset. Choose a comfortable spot and a tent buddy and get to work"' Tony dashed out orders.

We had bought two tents. So obviously Melissa and Roger were sharing one. And Jason and I were in the other.

 We pitched our tents close to each other and headed back to sit around the blazing campfire. The firewood sizzled and burned. As the flames danced around, we sat roasting our marshmallows over it. Gentle breeze filled the air with an aromatic damp mud smell. We were close to Rhode waterfalls. Water gently cascading down could be heard at a distance. We planned to go for a swim early next morning.

As kids we often used to swim in the shallow parts of the river closer to our town. We never bothered to venture further up the river coast to visit the waterfall. One of our group members had bought her speakers. The best of the 80's were playing continuously. People merrily danced around the blazing flame. we couldn't help being transported back to our childhood.



Melissa, Roger and I found ourselves camping in Melissa's backyard. Everything was going well. Until we were rudely interrupted by a loud wailing noise. We rushed back into the house only to see Melissa's grandfather being bound in handcuffs and being dragged away by three bulky policemen. We were shocked. Melissa broke down into tears.

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