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"don't you dare do anything to him." I threatened. "if you want him back, you have to do everything I tell you to. Follow my instructions and you will get Roger back safe and sound." The voice stated. "how do I know if Roger is actually with you or you're just bluffing?" I asked. "oh, rest assured he's here alright. Have a word." "Anne?" I recognized Roger's voice at one. "Roger! we'll get you back. I promise." I yelled into the phone. "satisfied?" the voice said.

"what do we have to do?" I asked quietly. "for starters, tomorrow, is Chad's annual summer party. Attend that. You'll get further instructions upon your arrival. Oh! And take Jason with you. if you inform the police, you will get Roger back in a body bag." And the line was cut. "we need to attend Chad's party. Tomorrow." I filled Jason in. "that's on the other side of our town. They must be doing something big and hence must be wanting us far away." Jason guessed. "Maybe, but we cannot involve the police. Otherwise they'll kill Roger. let's go home now." I said and Jason started the car.

"hang on. How long have we been inside the car?" I asked. "a good fifteen minutes." Jason answered. "Sean said he had to be somewhere urgently. He hasn't left the house at all. All the lights are switched off, and only the garage light is back on." I noticed. Let him be, Anne. Getting Roger back is much more important." Jason spoke wisely. "Okay. Let's head home."

"So, you guys are in, right?" Chad asked. "Yep. We'll be there Chad. See you soon." I replied. "Oh! and it's a pool party so dress appropriately." He said before the line went dead. "Jason! I've informed Chad. The pool party starts at 7." "So late?" Jason asked. "Yeah. something about neon lights." I said. "Sounds awesome."

"now who's running late?" I asked looking at my watch for the billionth time. "Jason?" I yelled. "hurry up please!" he stepped outside out room wearing a pair of ridiculous pineapple shorts and a multi-coloured stripped shirt open. "are you serious? You're leaving the house in that!" I asked pointing at his outfit. "Yup. You don't like it?" he asked, twirling. "Not one bit." I replied. "And that's exactly why I wanna wear it. Let's go." he asked as he kissed my cheek and opened the door. "You coming Anne?" "Of course. But I am driving." I said as I picked up the car keys.

The drive to Chad's house was an hour long from our place. We reached around 8pm. Music was blaring from inside. Drunken teenagers were stumbling across the lawn. We stepped inside and found people in scanty clad clothes moving around with red cups in their hands. "Chug! Chug! Chug!" there was a crowd gathered around someone drinking from a barrel, upside down. The person stepped down and the crowd thinned out.  He turned around and smirked.

"Enzo? What are you doing here?" I asked surprised. "Keeping you out of trouble." he replied with a cocky grin. "yeah right." I rolled my eyes. "I was invited. Chill out." He said walking off. "Do you think he's involved in kidnapping Roger? Or even Melissa's death for that matter?" Jason whispered. "Maybe, maybe not. Can't tell. Enzo's always been the shady type. Drugs and deals is his style. Murder and kidnapping? Not so much." I told him. We headed towards the pool. I was wearing denim shorts over my one piece. Jason threw off his shirt, exposing those amazing abs. "Let's grab a drink. We need to blend in." Jason nodded and headed towards the bar to get some beer for the both of us.

"Two beer's please." I heard Jason ordering at the bar. Out of nowhere, this random girl from our school walks up to him. She tries to flirt with him. "hey there." she said twirling her hair in her hands. The bartender gave Jason two beers. "Is that for me?" she asked trailing her finger down Jason's washboard abs. Flirting with my man? Not okay. But stealing me beer? She officially crossed the line. I walked up towards then and wedged myself between Jason and that girl. "Okay listen up. You better leave MY man alone before I make you do so. And next time if you touch my beer it will be my fist and your face. You got it? I threatened as I slapped my palm down on the bar. "So scram!" She left immediately.

"These girls just can't leave you, can they? Buzzing like bees around you." I scoffed taking a sip of my beer. "I can't help it if I am so hot babe." He smirked. "Find yourself a ride home? I am pretty sure she'll be more than interested in getting you home. Won't she?" I smiled sarcastically. "Chill. You know I don't even look at other girls. I got the best one right here." I said as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Hey" another girl came up to us. "Seriously? Can't you all just take a hint? He's mine, so back off!" I told her.

"Relax. I am not here to steal your guy. I just wanted to give you guys this." She said handing over a brown packet to us. "What's this? And where did you get it from?" "I found it lying near the floaties with your names. I knew who you guys were, so I brought it to you." she shrugged. "Thank you. Sorry about yelling at you." I said sheepishly. "Its 'kay." She said and skipped off. I ripped open the packet. Jason stared up at me. "another burner phone?" he asked as I nodded.

The phone rang. "hello Anne." The voice said. "we did as we were told. We are here at the party. How do we get Roger back?" I asked. "walk upstairs. The third room on the left. Go there alone. You'll know then." and the line went dead. "I need to go to the third room upstairs, alone." I informed Jason. "not happening. I won't let you go alone. I'll hide inside the cupboard or something. Mel is gone and they have Roger. I cannot let anything happen to you Anne." He told me. I understood his worry. He went inside first and hide in a cupboard. I followed five minutes later.

I entered the room an sat on the bed, waiting for someone or something to come or happen. But five minutes went by, then ten, and then fifteen. Suddenly, I could see white vapour lines emitting out of the air conditioner. The burner phone rang. "I told you to go alone." The voice said. "since you didn't, you'll face the consequences. I am sure you must have seen the white vapour already. That's a special knockout drug. You will fall unconscious in the next three minutes so listen to me carefully."

My head began to spin. The drug was taking effect. "what do I have to do?" I croaked, trying to keep my eyes open. "you have to find the Haleston family will." "the will?" I asked. "how do I do that?" "you're a smart girl Anne. Figure it out. As per my sources, you have everything you need. Documents, hacker, cop friends, bracelets. Find it within the forty-eight hours, or Roger meets his end." and as usual, the line disconnected.

I stumbled across the room, and opened the cupboard Jason was hiding in. I found him slumped in a corner. "get up baby. We need to get of here." I said as I struggled to put him back on his feet. "what is happening to us?" he managed to mumble. "knockout drug. From the air conditioning vent. We barely have a minute before we pass out. We have to leave." I explained. "why does Chad have such huge rooms!" I mentally cursed. We tried opening the door, but something or someone was clearly obstructing us. We didn't have the strength to push the door open. Jason fell down next to me. Everything went black in front of my eyes as I fell to the floor.

Author's note: these kidnappers know all of Anne's moves! Anne and Jason got smoked! What was Enzo doing at the party!? I'd love to know your theories!

omgggg peeps! we reached 1.2K!! I am sooo freaking happy! a bigggg thank you to all of youuuuuu!!!!!!!

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