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We sat back down waiting for their boss to arrive. I held Jason's hand in mine. Moments later, footsteps were heard. "I am so sorry for keeping you waiting Mr. and Mrs. Adams." A man approached us. He stepped into the light where we were seated. Him! He's the master mind!

"Name's Sean Gerald. Let's do this deal shall we!" "Sir we have Mr. and Mrs. Adams here who want to buy five pouches." Sam spoke up. Oh my God! Sean Gerald? I knew there was something fishy about him! I so wanted to yell 'I-told-you-so-the-evening-Roger-was-kidnapped-something-was-fishy-about-him' in Jason's face. But I kept my mouth shut for now. Thankfully our faces were partially blocked because of the hats so hopefully he wouldn't recognize us.

"did you check their ids?" Sean asked. Wood and Sam kept their mouths shut. "I asked you both something. Did you or did you not check their ids?" Sean yelled. Damn he was kinda scary. "no sir." Wood muttered. "fool! You have one job. ONE job and you manage to screw that up as well." Gerald yelled. "Sir, ma'am may I see some ids please?" he turned to us.

Jason froze next to me. He realised the same thing I did. Crap! I completely forgot to carry our fake ids! I mentally face-palmed myself. I forgot the most important thing due to my excitement. We were totally screwed. "our ids are in the car. We'll go get them." Jason mentioned as we turned to leave. "hold up. I cannot let you two leave without a purchase after you have seen everything. Your driver can get you your ids. I am sure you have one." Sean said.

"Wait a minute. I know you guys. I know your voice!" he exclaimed. He came dangerously close to us and pulled of Jason's hat. "you!" he yelled. "you" Jason replied calmly. "and that makes you..." Sean began. I pulled my hat off. We were caught. "Anne Stark." he said softly. "glad to know I left an impression" I smirked. "I'll make you a deal. Let's sit down, shall we?" I improvised. "of course." Sean smirked back.

"this is my proposal." I began. "you let Enzo go. You, your men, and Harper will have nothing to do with him. And you turn yourself in to the police." He laughed out loud. "oh really? And what do I get in return?" "in return you'll get Harper back." I smiled sweetly. "you have Harper!?" he cried out in shock. "gura..." he tried calling his men, but the black gun Jason was pointing towards him was enough to keep him mouth shut.

I pulled out two guns and pointed one at Wood and the other at Sam. "thought I didn't come prepared?" I taunted. Sean's face turned grim. He narrowed his eyes at me. "you don't know what the fu*ck you're getting yourself into. You're gonna die bitch." He threatened. "I'll take my chances." I replied confidently even though I was shaking from inside. I couldn't let him know I was scared.

Suddenly some muffled sounds were heard. "leave me you son of a bitch! Get your hands off me assh*le." An extremely hefty guy, around 6 feet 7 inches in height with meaty arms covered in tattoos entered the room, dragging Enzo besides him. He picked Enzo up and threw him on the floor next to Sean. "now how about taking up my offer. You return Harper to me and Enzo will live. Anything else will cost you your lives." "cost us our lives? Take a look again. The gun's placed at your head Gerald." Jason spoke up.

"oh, I did take a look again. How about you guys do the same?" Sean said. We looked around. About fifteen men with large guns in their hands surrounded us. Fu*ck now we were totally screwed. No way out of this. "Drop your guns or you both and Enzo die." Sean shrugged his shoulders lightly.

Jason and I exchanged looks. He nodded at me before bending down to place his gun on the floor. I gritted my teeth before mirroring his actions. "Gun off Enzo's head! Now!" I ordered, mustering all my confidence. The meaty hands gun did change his position even by an inch. "Sean let us go now." Jason tried to convince him. "you kidding me? after you saw all of this? Heck no." he told us. "tie them up." Sean instructed his men.

Two other men caught our hands and pinned them to our backs. No matter how hard I tried, I simply couldn't get out of their grips. Both Jason and I were bound to chairs by our hands and legs. "let us go!" Jason yelled. "try all you want." Sean laughed. "give me her phone" he instructed his men. A guy snatched my purse, pulled out my phone and handed it over to Sean. "let's make a few calls, shall we?" Sean smirked at us.

"Hello Mr. Haleston." He grinned.


"Roger! Your cell is buzzing!" mom called from the living room. I hated to leave my video game in the middle. But it could be Jason or Anne, so I need to answer it. I picked up my phone. The caller id showed Anne's number. Thought as much. "hey Anne! How did it go? found out who kidnapped me yet?" I asked with a chuckle.

"hello Mr. Haleston." A man spoke up. "I don't know if you remember me but name's Sean Gerald." He added. "Sean Gerald? As in the witness to the fire?" I asked confused. "how do you have Anne's phone? Are they okay?" I asked worriedly. "They are okay" he said. "for now." Sean added. "for now? What do you mean by for now?" I asked. "Mr. Haleston I though you were smarter than that. They are kidnapped dimwit. And if you want them back, give me Harper back. Haleston mansion 5pm."

"how will I know if your bluffing?" "Anne taught you well." Sean laughed. "talk to her." "ROGER! DO NOT GIVE HIM HARPER!" Anne and Jason yelled into the phone. "shut the fu*k up." I heard Sean yell at them. "enough proof for you? now get Harper." Sean said before ending the line.

Thoughts flooded my brain. What just happened! Anne and Jason were kidnapped!? Sean Gerald was behind my kidnapping and theirs! What!! Oh, how the roles are reversed! At the same time a few days ago, I was the one who needed rescuing. I need to play it smart. I simply cannot hand over Harper to them. But at the same time, Anne and Jason need to be rescued. Urghh why can't my brain work when I need it the most! 

Think Roger think. 

Okay got it! I had to make a phone call urgently.

"Mr. Stark. I need you to listen to me carefully." 

Author's note: Now Anne Jason and Enzo are kidnapped! Sean is so freakingggg dangerous. Do you think Roger will get them back? The drama is not yet over!! Stay tuned for the next chapter ;)

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