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"so yeah. the cave was my safe place, but when I re-visited it yesterday, because of a chase, it brought back all those gruesome memories and nightmares back." I concluded. "wow." Jason murmured. "I am glad you were able to open up to us." "yeah Anne. Thanks for reliving such a huge past of your life for us. We'll always be there for you no matter what." Roger smiled. "aww you guys." I pushed and pulled them into a hug. "let's go get ready for the funeral. The Pane's will need us there." I told them both. They nodded and headed back into their rooms.

I sat on the breakfast table for a minute or two, trying to pull myself back together. I wore a simple black lace dress that landed just below my knees. I pulled on black heels and grabbed my clutch and the eulogy I had written. Jason was wearing a black shirt with blue jean and a tie, whereas Roger wore a suit. Fifteen minutes later, we pulled into the Pane's driveway. Most of the people from the town had arrived to pay their respects. Around three o clock, Melissa's casket was placed in the hall. People had taken their seats as David began to speak.

Kathrine spoke next, followed by Roger. Soon I had to address the crowd. I took my place at the podium and drew in a breath. "hello. I want to thank each one of you for being present here today. for those of you who don't know me, my name is Anne Stark, and Melissa was my best friend. we knew each other since we were practically babies. I remember, it was the first day of pre-school, and all it took for us to be best friends was the worst food swap ever- Strawberry yogurt for two packets of skittles." Small laughs echoed through the room.

"Over the years, Mel and I grew from friends to best friends to family. Katherine and David were like second parents to me. in fact, Katherine was there for me and stood by me through some of my darkest times. Mel was always there for me no matter what. She was my biggest supporter in all my work, but never failed to keep me grounded. Melissa was also the captain of our school Victoria high's swim team. Not only was she an amazing swimmer, she was an amazing motivator. Team members present here are a witness, she led us extremely well. A true captain and a wise leader.

Melissa was an extremely down to earth person. She used to spend her time volunteering at a children's shelter. she had a positive outlook on life and a fundamental faith in humanity. A daughter, a sister, a friend, she played all her roles perfectly. Mel will surely be missed. Even though she's gone, I know she'll always be there in our hearts. Goodbye my dear. Thank you for everything." I concluded, struggling to hold back my tears.

Once I returned to my seat, David stood at the podium again. "As Anne just mentioned, Melissa was working with Little Hands center for children. In her honor, my wife and I are holding a ball and an auction. All the money we collect will directly go to this shelter for the benefit of the children. The auction will be held here at the Pane mansion on Melissa's birthday, the 14th of August. Everyone's welcomed. We shall now proceed to the family burial grounds. Thank you."

Shuffling of chairs filled the air. People got up and stepped out on the lawns. The Pane's had their own ancestral burial ground on the far side of their property. After a quick walk, we reached the freshly dug land. After the priest performed the final rituals, Mel's casket was lowered six feet under. I clutched Jason's hand and rested my head on his shoulder. My legs weren't supporting me anymore. I was about to collapse when Jason's firm arm curled around my waist. Roger was standing next to me. his eyes crowded with tears. I stretched my hand out and rubbed his arm gently.

Tears replaced diamonds that day. They shone bright as ever, each dripped with the cause of mourning Melissa. tear stained cheeks faced each other as a shower of flower petals was being created. Once the ceremony was over, the crowd gathered back into the main house for some tea. I had to get out of the clutches of sympathy. I entered the dining hall and leaned against the cold, floor-length glass door. I was busy staring into nothingness, fiddling with my necklaces when suddenly someone pulled me out of my thoughts.

"I am sorry. I was not paying attention. Come again please." I said. "would you like some tea miss?" Mason asked. "no thank you Mason." I smiled sadly. "I know it is an extremely hard time for all of you. Melissa was a beautiful soul, gone too soon. I am so sorry for your loss." He said. "she was truly amazing. Thank you." I replied. "do you have any idea as to who the killer is?" he asked. killer? How does he know? The Panes' have kept this quiet. For all the others this was an accident! "it was an accident actually. She wasn't murdered." I lied. "oh! Okay. I must be mistaken then. sorry." Mason raised his eyebrows and walked off leaving me to my thoughts. "weird guy. But he was a huge help today. good looking like Jason and Roger as well." I muttered to myself.

"Anne?" Katherine called. "yes?" "are you okay dear?" she asked. "peachy." I replied. "did you tell the boys today? how did they take the news?" "they understood my past. At first, they were shocked. But then they realize why I had kept it from them. And I know for a fact that both the boys will be there for me no matter what." I replied. "that's good to hear. If anything happens, anything at all, remember I am just a phone call away. Feel free to stop by at the house or my office whenever you like. I love you dear." She said and hugged me. "thanks a lot Katherine." I hugged her back. This lady was seriously like a second mother to me. she was one of the best people I've ever come across in my life. The world needs more people like her.

Authors's note: so that was Mel's funeral *rubs moisture from eyes* isn't Katherine the sweetest? we seriously need more Katherine's in this world. any thought's on Mason's stranger behavior? comment comment. 

so, after every sad period, comes happiness. i have news peeps! When Blood Runs Bad hit the 1K readers mark!!!!!!!!!!!!! omgggggg. i am sooo happy! thank u, thank u, thank u, to all you amazing, wonderful, awesome peeps who read and support my work! it means sooo much to me. it has not even been a month since i started uploading chapters, and to receive so much love is just overwhelming.

please do continue reading and supporting <3 I'd love to interact with you readers. feel free to message me, here or on instagram. drop in feedbacks and theories. i'd love some of those. if you are a writer as well plsssss drop in suggestions, help a fellow writer out here. 

please do follow me on @ri_anna.writes on instagram. VoTe! CoMmEnT! sHaRe! until next time, love love. 

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