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"Mr. Stark, I need you to listen to me carefully." I said. I laid out the details of the plan. "you sure this will work?" he hesitated. "No, not at all. But it's the best shot we have." I replied confidently. "okay then. Good luck Roger." Mr. Stark wished me before ending the call. I picked up a black pillow cover, a few ropes, a knife, a pack sleeping pills and a bottle of water, and my stunner gun before heading to the cabin in the woods.

Upon arrival, I used my master key and flung the door open. "Back so soon?" Harper taunted. "come on now hurry up. Release me and we can all get along on our way." "you think I am that stupid to just hand you over?" I smirked. "well..." he began. "okay shut the fu*ck up." I yelled.

" Let's get down to business, shall we? Its 4pm, we need to meet Sean at 5pm, before that I need to be some-where and I don't need crap from you continuously. You have two options, sleeping pills or stunner gun. Pick one." I added. "you can't tell me what to do." He barked. "of course, I can. You don't have an option. Oh, there's one more, I'd take great pleasure in slitting your throat." I said calmly, waving the knife in front of me. I wasn't crazy. I wasn't going to kill him. Not even going to harm him. I was just threatening him, which did the trick.

Harper's eyes bulged out of his skull after seeing the knife. My calmness combined with a knife was definitely giving him some creepy vibes. I tried to control my laughter after seeing his face. Thank God for all those drama classes in school. "you wouldn't dare." Harper said as a sweat broke out on his forehead. "my twin and mother are murdering psychopaths and I share their gene. Try me." I shrugged casually. Oh my God, it took every ounce of self-control to not laugh at Harper's face right now. "come on. Choose."

"sleeping pills. I'll take the sleeping pills." He stuttered. "sure." I cut his ropes open and led him outside. We walked to my car with my knife to his back. Once we reached my car, I shoved four sleeping pills in his hand. That would keep him out for hours. Enough for me to do my work. "Drink and get in." I ordered opening the trunk. "in the trunk?" Harper raised his eyebrows. "just get in." I shoved him inside and up his hands and legs again using the roped I carried. He was knocked out by then. I shut the trunk and waited inside the car for time to pass by.

And soon, it was time to face the true monster. 'Harper' was ready. We walked to the backyard of the Haleston mansion, or should I say my mansion. Once we reached the spot, I put the black pillow cover over his head. A car arrived and halted at a distance, right in front of me. I sucked in a deep breathe before taking my power stance and placing a knife at Harper's throat. From the car, got down a hefty guy with meaty arms and a few others, dragging behind him Anne, Jason and Enzo. Crap! Enzo was also stuck! An older, distinguished gentleman wearing a crisp suit stepped out from the front seat. That had to be Sean Gerald.

"Mr. Haleston. Give me Harper and take you pesky little friends back." he yelled from the other side. "send my friends over first." I argued confidently. "Now you and I both know that's not gonna happen." He retorted. "I'll tell you what." I began. "Send all three of my friends from there, and I'll send Harper from here." "sounds like a fair deal.' Sean muttered before instructing his men to let Jason, Anne and Enzo go. I lowered my hand from Harper's throat.

Jason, Anne and Enzo began walking across to me, while Harper went back to his side. All four of them hand their hands tied. I ran up to Jason and untied his hands first. He untied Anne while I repeated the same for Enzo. We stood, shoulder to shoulder, facing our monsters. Sean's men brought a chair for Harper and they began untying his hands. I had used multiple ropes and a series of difficult knot which would take time to untie or even cut through.

"the deal's done. You stay out of our way and your lives will be spared. The next time you meddle with me, you won't be alive to see a new day." Sean threatened before heading back into the car. "you think we'll get you get away so easily?" I challenged. "what did you say to me?" Sean was taken aback. He slammed the car door shut. "you think I'll just let you walk away, after all that you have done?" I stated. "oh, yes. I very much do. After all, you and your friends are extremely naïve. Whereas I have been in this business since years now." Sean scoffed.

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