30. Misunderstandings

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"The court is dismissed"

Duryodhan stormed out of the courtroom in rage. 'Damnit! What happened now?', Karn thought and followed his angry friend.

As Karn reached his friend's room he heard a loud bang from inside.

"Hey hey hey hey what are you doing?", Karn rushed to Duryodhan who was destroying everything in sight.

Duryodhan turned to his friend with eyes full of rage, "All I wanted was to have a good time with your kid. That's it. One day without drama. And yet, here we are."

"Hey calm down"

"Calm down? CALM DOWN? Easy for you to say. You were not the one who was humiliated", Duryodhan said breaking another vase.

"Humiliated? What are you talking about?", Karn was really confused.

"What am I talking about? I got accused of trying to kill the Pandavs in front of everyone. That's what I am talking about", Duryodhan yelled.

"What?", Karn had no idea on what he was taking about. Just as he was about to ask further, Yudhister and Bheem entered.

"Hey! We just wanted to thank you", Yudhister said.

"Thank me for what?", Duryodhan spat.

Yudhister was taken aback. "For saving our lives?", he blinked.

"Oh yeah? Yes, you should be very thankful", Duryodhan hissed.

"Why is he angry?", Bheem asked Karn.

"Why am I angry? Try being accused for attempt to murder", Duryodhan said breaking another furniture.

"No! No one accused you-", Yudhister started.

"No! Shut it! I knew you were dumb but I did not know you were blind and deaf too", Duryodhan cut him off.

"Hey Mithr! Come on-", Karn started.

"Don't 'Mithr' me. You were not present in the court when they accused me. Apparently for whatever bad happens to these idiots, I am responsible. How am I responsible?", Duryodhan asked.

"How are you responsible?", Karn scoffed.

"That's exactly what I am asking", Duryodhan said.

"No one is holding you responsible", Yudhister said.

"Oh really?, Say that to mahamantri Vidhur"

"He just asked a question"

"You sure about that? Coz from where I was standing it looked like one hell of an accusation when all I did was trying to save your ungrateful asses"


"Yes you are"

"Ok I am confused. Why is he being over dramatic and yelling at us when we were the ones who were almost fried?", Bheem asked Karn. He then looked at Duryodhan and continued, "Ungrateful? You are not even letting us thank you."

"Shut it! Who the hell needs your thank you?", Duryodhan yelled.

"Then what do you want us to do? Be your slaves?", Bheem yelled back. He was clearly loosing his cool.

"Slaves? That is what you think of me?", Duryodhan's expression turned from anger to sadness. Bheem immediately regretted everything he said. "I don't want your thank you", Duryodhan continued in a low voice, "I just wanted you to defend me in the court", he said with shining eyes. It was then realization dawned on them.

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