31. Yuvraj Announcement

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Karn went to Angadesh and dismantled the situation and reduced the thick air of tension. Yes! He was born to be a king. One thing lead to another, one issue followed by another that he had to stay back in Angadesh. Coz no matter what a great friend he is, his commitment to his kingdom outweighed it at that moment. Months passed. His wife and son joined him in Angadesh.

A couple years passed and Karn had to put mission: changing destiny in hiatus. They met at times but Karn didn't have enough time to plan things or even to get a good read on their brotherhood status. Until one day when he got a letter from Duryodhan saying that he wanted to meet him ASAP. Karn being the great friend he is rushed to Hastinapur the moment he finished reading the letter.

He went to Duryodhan's chamber, "Hey are you okay? What happened?", he asked.

"Thank God you are here. Mithr, I need you to stay in hastinapur for a few days", Duryodhan said.

"The reason being?"

"You don't know?"

"No! Actually I don't! What is happening? Please tell me no one is dying"

Duryodhan laughed, "NO mithr, no one is dying. Maharaj has decided to announce the Yuvraj in the court"

Karn didn't like that news but he had his poker face on, "And why do you need me here for that?"

"You are here because I for sure know that the next yuvraj is not me and I need you to keep me from killing someone", Duryodhan said with a straight face.

"You serious right now?", Karn asked disbelievingly.

Duryodhan didn't answer.

"You know that I know when you lie right?", Karn asked.

"Alright fine! Panchal Princess Draupadi's swayamwar is coming up and I need my wingman with me"


"Do I look like I am joking?"

"Fine! When is the swayamwar? And Why didn't I get any invite?"

"The swayamwar is in two days and do I have to remind you that you are married already?"

"Yeah fair point", Karn chuckled.

"For now get ready to court! Yuvraj announcement in an hour", Duryodhan said and was about to leave.

Karn caught him by his arm and stopped him from leaving, "You sure you are okay with this?", he asked.

Duryodhan said yes after a pause.

"You were kidding when you said about killing someone right?", Karn asked again.

"That is what you are here for right", Duryodhan said with a smirk and left the room.

Karn let out a breath of relief that he didn't even know he was holding.


As they were getting ready for court he met with the Pandavs too.

"Hey Angaraj is here", Nakul said and went on to greet him. All the pandavs followed him.

"Hey! How are all of you doing? It's a big day huh?", Karn asked.

"Sure it is!", Arjun said giving a proud look to Yudhister.

Yudhister just smiled.

"How is Duryodhan doing?", Bheem asked.

"You guys are in the same palace. You should know?", Karn asked. All he got in return was some remorse exchange of looks edged with guilt between the Pandavs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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