28. Fatal Flames

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"Arrgghhh", Karn woke up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. His heart was pounding in his chest and there were tears in his eyes. 'What the hell', he thought.

"Hey you alright mithr?", whispered a startled Duryodhan.

"I need some air", Karn said and went out of the house followed by Duryodhan.

"You should talk to me! What was that?", Duryodhan asked.

"A nightmare I guess"

"What was it?", Duryodhan asked and waited for his friend's reply.

"I heard a loud scream. It was a women crying I guess. It was horrible", Karn said.

"Why do I feel like you are not telling me everything?", Duryodhan asked.

"Fine! I heard Kunti maa screaming", Karn confessed, "Why am I not able to shake off this bad feeling?", Karn asked in a low voice.

Both men stood in silence and Karn was restless.

"Fine! Go tug in your son near your wife. I'll bring the horses around", Duryodhan said.


"We are taking a trip to varnavrat", Duryodhan said leaving no room for argument.

Within hours they were in the outskirts of varnavrat. "OH MY GOD", Duryodhan exclaimed, "Turns out you were right"

Karn stood there speechless and horrified to see the palace burnin' up in flames. Without another word they sprinted towards the burning palace. When they were near enough, they saw movement in the palace entrance. Bheem who was carrying Rajamata Kunti ran outside followed by the other brothers. Karn & Duryodhan ran to them.

"You guys alright?", Duryodhan asked when Karn went over to Kunti and checked her over for injuries. Everyone muttered a yes in between their coughing fit. Karn finnaly relaxed but that didn't last long.

"Okay where the hell is Arjun?", he asked.

"He is right behind me", Nakul said and turned around to find no one. "I swear he was right behind me", Nakul said nervously. Kunti cried- the same scream Karn heard in his dreams.


"Oh my GOD"

The brothers wanted to rush back into the fire to save one of their own but was held back by Duryodhan & Karn. "Guys wait- WAIT- you gotta think",Karn yelled, "You go in there, you die! You are no use to Arjun dead.

"Fine Fine! You have your bow right. Bring some rain. Put out the fire", Nakul said.

"He can do that but Arjun is inside. If he brings on rain now, there may be a structural collapse. We don't want the whole building crashing down on Arjun, do we?", Duryodhan asked.

"Alright fine! I am going in now", Karn said and started walking towards the burning building but was stopped by Duryodhan.

"I thought we have already established that if anyone goes inside, they die too", he yelled.

"Yeah anyone but NOT ME!", Karn yelled back, "I have my Kavach remember. I can take the heat. It is supposed to save me"

"Supposed to? What if it didn't?", Yudhister asked.

"Only one way to find out", Karn said.

"You know what? Do whatever you want. You are not gonna listen to me anyway", Duryodhan said and walked off.

"I am coming with you", Yudhister said.

"See listen! This goes two ways. Either both die or no one dies. I am striving for the later. If it turns out to be the former case I am not gonna let that poor woman loose two of her sons on the same day", Karn hissed, "So STAND DOWN. Don't make me put an arrow in your leg. Trust me I will if I have to", Karn said in his authoritative voice.

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