9. The big brother talks

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After an hour or so,

"And the last formation is the guard of honor with spears", Karn said.

"Well Angaraj, I am okay with guard of honor but don't you think it will be more chivalrous if we use swords instead of spears?", Yudhister asked.

Karn thought for a while. "Yeah you are right. Let's make it swords", he said.

"Good let's go through it one more time", Yudhister said.

Karn nodded. After a few minutes he noticed that Yudhister was distracted. "Ok spill it. What are you thinking?"

"Well –I –" Yudhister stammered.

Karn had his I-wont-accept-silence-as-an-answer face.

"I was thinking you are born to be a King", Yudhister said.

Karn went silent.

"I am sorry. I meant it only as a genuine praise. Please don't take it any other way", Yudhister said hurriedly.

"No No relax. I got used to dabs at my birth case. If anyone else had told me this, I would have doubted their inner meaning. But you – I know for sure that you wont do that", Karn said.

Yudhister smiled. "I am glad you are getting along well with us", he said.

"Hahaha I am happy that atleast someone is glad", Karn said.

"Well who said they are not glad Angaraj?", Yudhister teased.

"Really Prince Yudhister?", Karn asked rolling his eyes. "Really what's wrong with your brother?"

"Well I have 104 brothers. Which brother are you talking about?", Yudhister asked fighting a smile.

Karn stared at him. Yudhister smiled.

"You know very well that I am talking about the great Gandivdhari", Karn said.

"What did you expect? You said you would kill him", Yudhister said with a shrug.

"What can I do? He started it", Karn complained. Yudhister just looked at him blankly. "Whaaaat?", Karn asked .

"Did you mean it?", Yudhister asked in a small voice.

"Mean what?", Karn asked.

"You know exactly what I am talking about", Yudhister said.

"You are worried that I would kill Arjun?", Karn asked.

"Arjun is amazing. No one can defeat him", Yudhister said with a tone of finality.

"Then you don't have to worry about my statement right?", Karn asked.

"What can I do Angaraj? No matter how amazing he is, I can't help worrying about him", Yudhister replied.

"Yeah I know. After all he is your Anuj. Younger Brothers always give grey hairs to the eldest", Karn said with a smile.

"Yes", Yudhister smiled back.

"I think we are done here", Karn said and was about to leave but was stopped by Yudhister's hand on his shoulder.

"By the way you didn't answer my question", Yudhister reminded.

Karn was silent for a while and then said "NO, It was just in the heat of the moment. I have no problem with him. But-"


"But I just hate the favoritism towards Arjun", Karn said.

"Favoritism?", Yudhister raised his eyebrows.

"See Arjun is a great warrior, an Amazing Archer. But that does not mean no one else is better. He is unique in his own way", Karn said with a smile.

"Did you just praise him?", Yudhister asked.

"Like I said, I adore him. He is actually helping me you know. He makes me want to up my game. I just wanted to prove his Gurudev wrong. But Arjun, he is like that annoying little brother I never wanted", Karn said.

"Hahaha You should tell this to him", Yudhister said.

"As if he would believe me", Karn said with a laugh. Yudhister followed.

A guard chose that moment to enter to inform Karn that Mahamanthri Vidhur asked for his presence.

"See you later", with that Karn left.

Yudhister turned around to find Arjun. 'Did he hear everything we were talking?', he thought. "Arjun what are you doing here?", he asked aloud.

"I came to ask you something but- ", Arjun hesitated.

"Wait- how long were you standing here?", Yudhister asked.

"I came in with the guard. Why?", Arjun asked.

"Just wanted to know. So tell me what do you want?", Yudhister asked.

"I want to know the guest list. Is Madhav coming?", Arjun asked.

"I don't know", Yudhister replied honestly.

"What do you mean you don't know Bhrata? You are in the welcome committee", Arjun asked.

"Well Angaraj hasn't shared that information with me yet", Yudhister replied. Arjun sulked. Yudhister decided to have some fun. "Why don't you asked Angaraj himself?", Yudhister chided.

"What? No ! Not necessary", Arjun scowled.

"OK atleast go get it from him for me", Yudhister requested well aware that his brother wont refuse him.

"Seriously??", an exasperated Arjun asked. Yudhister just folded his hands and gave him the just-do-what-i-say look. "Alright FINE!", Arjun gave in and wandered off to find Angaraj Karn.


NOTE: That's chapter 10. And yes they had their big brother talk. By the way Arjun is searching for Karn. Will it end well? Stay tuned to find out. Feel free to express your thoughts on this chapter and don't forget to vote. 

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