4. OOPS! Punishment

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"Mithr!! Oh God! You are hurt!", Karn switched instantly to 'an overprotective brother' mode and hurriedly took his friend's hand to examine the wound. "How many times have I told you to be more careful?"

"It's okay Karn. It's nothing. We are already late for Rajya Sabha, so we should leave now", Duryodhan said.

"Are you kidding me? You are full on bleeding. How can you say it is nothing?", Karn scolded his friend. He tied a piece of his royal shawl around his friend's hand.

"Mithr Karn! I know you love me. But I think you are overreacting", Duryodhan said with a smirk. Karn glared when he heard a few chuckles behind him.

"What is so funny?", he scowled which made them shut up.

"OK mother. I think it stopped bleeding. Can we go now? I don't want to get scolded by Pitamah again.", Duryodhan asked Karn with an innocent face.

"That face is not gonna work on me", Karn replied. Duryodhan groaned, "oh come on!!!!"

"No Duryodhan", this time Yudhister spoke up, "The cut looks pretty bad. I think it is best if you go to vaidhyasala and get it treated"

"Oh no I am fine", Duryodhan replied but failed miserably in hiding his pain.

"That's it. You are coming with me NOW", Karn said.

"No, he doesn't have to do that", Sahadev interrupted, "Let us help you"

Duryodhan was about to reject but one glare from Karn made him shut up. He reluctantly allowed Nakul and Sahadev to treat him and in a few moments his wound was treated and dressed. "You happy now?", he asked his friend, "So now switch mode from 'mother-hen Karn' to 'mithr Karn' please", he added. Everyone laughed as Karn rolled his eyes.

"I think we should go now", Yudhister said and everyone left for the rajya sabha.


Meanwhile in the rajya sabha..

"Where are all the Princes, Mahamanthri?", Hastinapur's emperor Dhritarashtran asked his brother/mahamanthri Vidhur.

"I do not know your majesty! I have sent guards to get them", Vidhur replied. "Even Angaraj Karn is late today", he added.

Tension was spread like a blanket in the Rajya Sabha. "This is an insult to the sabha", the emperor said impatiently.

"There must be a reason for them being late", Pitamah Bheeshm said.

"Yes! We do not know that till they arrive", the emperor sighed.

"Greetings your majesty", Yudhister entered followed by the Pandavs and Angaraj Karn.

Kunti let out a relieved sigh after seeing her sons enter in one piece without fighting.

"Why were you late Prince Yudhister? You knew being late is an insult to the sabha and a punishable offence right?", mahamanthri Vidhur asked.

"I am very sorry for the delay", Yudhister said, "I will accept the punishment"

"No. It was because of me that we are late. We were in the Kitchen", Bheem came forward.

"You are late because you were in the KITCHEN?", Pitamah Bheeshm asked angrily.

"I am sorry Pitamah . It was my mistake. I insisted Bheem to teach me how to make laddoos for my pregnant wife and we lost track of time. I'll take full responsibility for us being late", Karn defended them.

"Then you get the punishment Angaraj", Bheeshm said who was still angry.

"No Pitamah!", Arjun stood before Karn, "They finished on time. It was us who were pulling their legs and eating that caused the delay"

Bheeshm looked at Nakul and Sahadev who nodded.

"None of it all", Duryodhan's voice boomed.

"Putr Duryodhan. What happened to your hand? Why is it wounded?", Bheeshm asked.

"WOUNDED? Duryodhan who hurt you? Tell me so that I will cut their hands off", the emperor demanded whose love for his son had no bounds.

"It's nothing your Majesty! If someone hurt me, my mithr Karn would have served their head in a silver platter the next moment.", Duryodhan replied, "I accidentally cut myself in the Kitchen. That is the reason of us being late. It's my mistake I should have been more careful"

'Did Duryodhan just take up a blame on himself?', Bheem was shocked. One look at Arjun told him he was wondering the same. In fact the whole courtroom was pretty shocked.

"No I demanded that he get treated as soon as possible.", Yudhister spoke up.

For the first time in the history of Hastinapur they witnessed the scene were the Pandavs and Kauravs defended each other. Bheeshm felt so proud and decided to test if they can still agree with each other and stay together. One look at Vidhur said how much he felt the same.

"So everybody has a part to blame", Vidhur started. "Since all of you were in the Kitchen, this is your punishment for insulting the court – All you princes along with Angaraj Karn should cook for the upcoming Royal feast and serve them. No fights should happen the whole time."

"Yes! now that is one interesting punishment. Work together sons!", Bheeshm said smirking.

"We accept it Pitamah", Yudhister said when Karn nodded and Duryodhan just starred.

"Now disperse", the emperor said and so did everyone.


Karn prepared to leave the palace when Kunti stopped him "Putr Karn! Did you learn the trick?", she asked.

"Yes Maataji. Bheem is a very good teacher", Karn said.

"But Angaraj how will you prove that if you leave this behind?", Bheem said. Karn turned around to see Bheem with the plate of Laddoos followed by the Pandavs.

"Oh! Thank You!", Karn said, "Maata ji.. Why don't you try one?" he asked Kunti.

"Angaraj Karn.. You won't feed Maata?", Nakul asked.

"Ofcourse I will if she allows", Karn said and smiled at her. She smiled back and accepted the laddoo from Karn. She couldn't control her tears of joy.

"It's amazing Putr Karn. Your wife is lucky too", she said and Karn blushed. She removed her bangles and gave it to Karn "This is my gift to your wife", she said.

He didn't accept it. "I am sorry Maata. I cannot take this. I wish you give it to her yourself. You know what? I am inviting all you people to my house. You have never been there and you will like it",Karn said looking at everyone.

"Thanks for the invite Putr Karn. We will definitely be there for the Baby Shower", Kunti promised.

"Mithr Karn! I cant wait to see my sister and my little champ", Duryodhan came holding the same box from before.

"Let us take our leave", Karn said touching her feet. The both of them went to their respective chariots. Before leaving Karn turned back and said "Good bye!" with a smile and off they left to Karn's house.

As they were saying Goodbyes no one noticed that Arjun was missing. And never did they know that he was pacing back and forth angrily in the palace gardens deep in his own thoughts.


NOTE: That's chapter four for you. Yup they got an interesting punishment. OOOhhhhh everything went well but why is Arjun angry? Stay tuned to find that out. Feel free to comment your thoughts and thank you for your support. Don't forget the star button (vote) :)

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