5. Arjun and Karn's Thoughts

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'What exactly happened today?', Arjun was wondering. He was roaming in the palace gardens. He was confused , angry and was drowning in the high tides of his deep thoughts.

"Did we just have a laugh with Angaraj?", he thought aloud.

"Looks like we did", he heard a voice behind him. He turned around to find his brother Yudhister walking towards him.

"Bhrata! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?", he asked his brother.

"I could ask the same to you Arjun. Why are you wandering here alone?", Yudhister asked.

"Well nothing", Arjun said. Yudhister sat down on the grass and motioned for Arjun to do the same.

"I know something is bothering you. What happened?", he asked. Before Arjun could reply, "If you say 'Its nothing' one more time, I may slap you", he added with a small frown.

"OK! Angaraj is bothering me", Arjun said pouting.

"Hahahahahahahha!", Yudhister started laughing.

"Ha very funny huh?", Arjun pouted more.

"Come on Arjun. Why are you obsessed with him?", he asked.

"I am not obsessed with him. I just can't bring myself to smile and laugh with him like you guys", Arjun confessed.

"Arjun listen to me. When someone extends peace with no sense of tricky thoughts in their heart, even if it is for one day, it is your Dharm to accept it", Yudhister explained.

"Yeah but –", Arjun was not convinced.

"OK! Answer this! Why do you hate him?", Yudhister asked.

"I don't hate him. I just don't like him", Arjun said. His brother rolled his eyes. "No Arjun tell me one good reason", his brother asked.

"OK I hate him because –", Arjun went silent. His brother looked at him patiently.

"Because -?"

"Shhh I am thinking", Arjun turned his back towards his brother.

Yudhister walked around to face his brother. "Arjun look at me. You do not need a reason to like someone. But you need a reason to hate someone. If you do not have a reason, then you don't hate him. It's just your ego that is blinding your eyes", he explained.

Arjun stood still. He was trying to process his brother's words. They just stood together looking at the moon with only the sound of breeze and crickets reaching their ears. After a few minutes Arjun broke the silence. "Maybe you are right", he said.

"It's okay Arjun. Nobody is perfect. Come on Let's go Its time to sleep", Yudhister said pulling his brother along. When they reached their respective chambers, "Don't think too much Arjun. It's okay to let loose at times. Go to sleep", Yudhister said and they parted ways.


Karn and Vrushali were getting ready to sleep. Vrusali was looking at the necklace Duryodhan gave her. Of course Duryodhan had to come and see his sister and wish her. Since he came home Radha Ma made him his favourite dinner that he ate till he couldn't no more. After a few chats with Adirath Papa he left to the palace.

"Aarya! This necklace is so beautiful. I love them", Vrushali said gently stroking the box. "And I loved the laddoos you made. They were very tasty", she praised , "I didn't know you knew how to make them. You have to teach me some day", she said and stopped because she realized that her husband hadn't spoken anything back.

"Angaraj has turned deaf"

"Angaraj is going to get married again"

"I am going to get married again"

Yet no response.

"AARYA!!!!", she shook him.

"I am sorry what?", Karn asked her.

"What happened to you aarya? Were you not listening to anything I said?", she asked.

"Of course not! Yes the necklace is beautiful. Thank you for loving the laddoos. No I cannot teach you. No I am not deaf. No I am not gonna marry again and definitely you are not too. I know you cannot take your eyes off me", Karn said pulling her for a hug.

"Haha enough hero. You think you are funny?", she asked. "I can see you are distracted. What happened?", she asked in a tone that Karn knew she was not gonna leave it alone without explanation.

"Okay I learnt how to make those laddoos from Bheem", he said.

"Whaaaaattt?? And he taught you just like that?", she was shocked.

"Yes he did after I extended an olive branch for a day", he said. Then he again went back to drown in his thoughts.

"Looks like it went fine. Why is it bothering you?", she asked.

"That is it. That is exactly what it is that is bothering me. It went fine. No fights, no insults. Infact they were bickering like children. We shared a laugh together – even duryodhan joined in", he said and narrated his day to her. Karn took a deep breath. Vrushali waited for him to continue.

"I think I made a mistake Vrushali", he said, "All of them are real nice people. We were made enemies by circumstances. Not only me and the Pandavs, even Duryodhan and Pandavs are enemies for no reason. When in peace, they act like children. Oh My God ! What am I gonna do?", he vented out.

"If they act like children then treat them like one", Vrushali said.


"When we want kids to like us , we make them win", she said.

"You want me to loose?", he asked with a frown.

"No that's not what I meant. When dealing with kids, it is okay to make them think they won just to make them smile. In fact you are elder than them. It is okay to yield when necessary. And when children make mistakes we scold them but then we forgive them. You too do the same. Scold, love, yield and forgive", Vrushali explained.

"They are relatives – Brothers. But I am an outsider. What right do I have?", Karn asked.

"Destiny is created by circumstances aarya. Sometimes it takes an outsider to Change Destiny", she said, "Duryodhan is your friend. It is your duty to throw him the rope if he is about to drown in the ocean of bad circumstances. As for the Pandavs it is okay to do the same for them. If everyone thought what right do they have then how will dharm and unity win. It's okay to act the eldest.

Karn looked at her as if she hung the moon.

"Oh Dear! What will I do without you?", he asked hugging her.

"I don't know. Maybe crash and burn", she replied with a proud glint in her eyes.

"Haha! It is way past your bedtime my lady! I think we should sleep now", Karn said and they slept within minutes.


NOTE: I enjoyed writing this chapter so much. Hope you like it. Okay!! So they talked about their feelings. Is there gonna be any change? Stay tuned to find out. Thanks for your support. Feel free to comment and don't forget the star button(vote).

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