14. Arjun and his Madhav

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"MADHAV!", an elated Arjun turned around and gave a tight hug to The Great Vasudev Krishna himself.

"Oofff!! Dear Paarth, even I am glad to see you but can you let me breath please?", Krishna asked.

"Oh Sorry", Arjun broke the hug.

"Pheww", Krishna took a deep breath, "Paarth, Why didn't you come to welcome me?", he asked.

"Don't get me started. It's a long story", Arjun said with a sigh.

"Ooohhh! I love stories. So tell me", Krishna asked and they started walking.

"Fine", Arjun said and he narrated everything about their punishment. "So I was there in the kitchen following Bhrata Bheem's ridiculous orders", he finished.

"Wooww! All these happened because Angaraj asked you for a favor?", Krishna started laughing.

"Really? My situation is funny to you? What kind of a friend are you?", Arjun scowled.

"I am the best in the world dear Paarth", Krishna bragged.

"Then behave like it", Arjun sulked.

"Okay fine! What exactly is your problem?", Krishna asked.

"Angaraj Karn", Arjun said like it was the most obvious answer.

"What exactly is your problem with him?", Krishna asked.

"To be honest, I don't know", Arjun blurted out.

"Haha! It's okay Paarth. You don't have to worry. Let's work on it together", Krishna said. Arjun nodded eagerly.

They reached the palace gardens by that time. They sat on the cool grass and started discussing.

"So who is Angaraj Karn?", Krishna asked.

"He is the most egoistical person I have ever met. He has an ego to the size of Hastinapur", Arjun said.

"Yeah right", Krishna agreed.

"He is an attention seeker"


"He takes away everything that is supposed to be mine"

"Such as?"

"He took away my World's best Archer title", Arjun said.

"Come on Paarth. Everyone knows you are the best", Krishna said.

"Oh my God Madhav have you seen is techniques? They are amazing. Not once I have won him over because evertime he would give a tough fight and the contest would be resultless. He is really amazing", Arjun said.

"Wooww I didn't know that", Krishna smirked which went unnoticed by Arjun. "What else?"

"And then he took away my brothers from me", Arjun said.

"Whaaaaatttt?", Krishna had a fake look of horror on his face.

"Yes Madhav. All my brothers are talking to him very nicely like friends. They are taking sides with him. He is also speaking to us with utmost respect in spite of the amount of humiliation we presented to him in the past. He acts as if nothing has happened. He has his stupid adorable smile always. And at the end, my very own brother gave me a warning for being rude to him", Arjun lamented.

"So you were rude to him?", Krishna asked.

"I guess I was", Arjun confessed in a flow, "Wait- but that is not the point"

"Yes Paarth, that is definitely not the point", Krishna smirked.

"Come on Madhav! You too?", Arjun sulked.

"No No Paarth. I am always by your side. If you were rude, then he must have said something right?, Krishna asked with his innocent face.


"So what was it?"

"He said I was annoying him like a little brother"

"What? Ok wait a sec- you are upset coz he called you annoying or little brother?", asked a confused Krishna.

"Can I say both?", Arjun asked.

"Ok fine. What else?"

"Above all he said he would kill me", Arjun said.

"OUCH too bad"

"I know right! But that is not my problem"

"Uhhh? Okay I have never been this confused ever in my entire life", Krishna said massaging his head.

"Yes he said he would kill me but Why am I not angry at him for that?",Arjun asked. Krishna let out a sigh.

"I mean Madhav he fits right into the picture. Without my knowledge I obey him at times. Supporting him feels right at times. How can that happen? He is supposed to be my greatest enemy. But why does eating from his hands feel right? Why did I not get any reason to tell when Bhrata Yudhister asked me why I hated Angaraj? Do I not hate him? Why did it sound good when my arch nemesis call me his little brother? It makes me so angry. It is not supposed to sound good. He can never be my brother but my heart does not want to accept it. What is wrong with me? Am I going CRAZY?", Arjun shot one question after the other. A single man tear crept out of his eye. He wiped it with his hand and looked at the wetness smudged in his fingers. He took a deep breath. "Madhav, I hate not knowing answers", he said, "Why is he being nice to us when he had humiliated him in the past?"

"Maybe he forgave you", Krishna said.

"What if he is playing an elaborate prank on us?", Arjun asked.

"Do you believe that or you just want to believe it for the sake of not accepting his kindness?", Krishna asked back.

Arjun didn't answer.

"Paarth", Krishna put his hands around Arjun's shoulders, "Sometimes it's okay to not know the answers. Sometimes it's okay to search for the answers on your own even though it takes a lot of time and struggle. Sometimes it is okay to not search for answers. And sometimes it is okay to enjoy the present without doubts of the past or questions about the future"

"I don't know Madhav. But there is something more to Angaraj that I couldn't decipher", Arjun said.

Krishna gave him his playful smirk, "Maybe there is, Maybe there isn't", he said.

"Can you not be cryptic for once?", Arjun asked.

"Oh dear Paarth, that is my inbuilt feature", Krishna said with a smile.

"So it's okay to let loose at times huh?", Arjun asked with a sigh.

"Ofcourse yes! So what say we go and pull my sister's legs for a while", Krishna said standing up.

"What? Princess Subhadra is here? Why didn't you tell me before?", Arjun asked and stood up fast.

"As if you let me talk", Krishna said.

"Yeah whatever. I am going to meet her", Arjun said and started walking.

"So you don't want me to join you?", Krishna called after him.

"No! I think the Maharaj will want to meet you. Bye Bye Madhav", with that Arjun ran away.

Krishna stood there smiling. Then a small frown crept in as he started thinking. 'What are you doing Angaraj Karn! Why are you intent on rewriting my original story? Why are you going off the script? You think it is gonna end well for you let alone everyone?', he thought.

"I wish it did", he heard a voice behind him.


NOTE: That's chapter 14 people. So did Arjun's misunderstandings about Karn got sorted out? Is Krishna happy about Karn going off script? What will he do? Stay tuned to find out as the plot gets interesting. Feel free to comment your thoughts on this chapter and don't forget to vote. Thanks a lot for your support. #yoursupportismyfuel

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