17. Duryodhan on the high horse

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 "How did this happen?" Karn asked with a frown, "I made sure to order every gift. What do you mean a few hasn't arrived?"

"Calm down Angaraj. It's not like the gifts wont arrive. It's just that there seems to be a delay in delivery", Mahamantri Vidhur said.

"We can't send them without gifts", Yudhister said.

"OK What if we send someone to find out what happened?", Karn asked.

"And who do you propose that be?", Yudhister asked.

"I think I should go", Karn said.

"No you can't. You are in charge", Yudhister said.

"So are you", Karn said.

"Prince Duryodhan what happened to you?", Vidhur asked all off a sudden.

Karn and Yudhister turned to see Duryodhan staring past everyone with glassy eyes and was totally unattentive. "Mithr you okay?", Karn asked shaking him by his shoulder.

Duryodhan came out of his trance and looked at him, "Oh Hi Mithr!! My handsome Mithr!! My brave Mithr!! I love you so much!!", Duryodhan blabbered.

"Oh Shit", Karn and Yudhister said at the same time.

"Is he okay?", Vidhur asked.

"Of course I am okay my dear uncle", Duryodhan said and giggled.

"Ok he is definitely not okay", Vidhur said taken aback.

"I think he is high", Karn said.

"That's not possible. He was with me the whole time", Yudhister said.

"But that happened somehow", Karn said and turned around to see his friend stumbling. Karn caught him before he fell down. "Lemme take him to his chambers. Can you cover for us?", Karn asked. Yudhister was worried but nodded. Karn walked away pulling Duryodhan along with him in an attempt to leave unnoticed by everyone. They reached the palace corridor when Duryodhan sat on the floor and refused to leave.

"Oh my God Mithr Get up! What are you doing?", Karn said trying to pull him up.

"Oh Mithr! Do you know how much I love you?", Duryodhan asked in a slurred voice.

"You love who?", Bheem asked as he was walking towards them.

"What are you doing here Prince Bheem?", Karn asked.

"Yudhister bhrata sent me here. He said you may need my help", Bheem said. Karn sighed. "I guess we should carry him", he said.

"No I am not going anywhere until you hear what I have to say", Duryodhan said throwing a tantrum.

"Alright fine. Shshhhhh! Say it but don't shout", Karn said.

"I love you so much Mithr. Do you know how much I love you?", Duryodhan asked.

"Yes I know", Karn said.

"NO you don't. Coz I have never said you this. I love you more than anything in this world. More than Arjun's and your love for archery. More than the brightness of the sun. More than the love for my brothers. More than the love for my parents. If you leave me I will feel like an orphan. You wont leave me na?", he asked.

Karn was shocked and so was Bheem. They never knew Duryodhan had insecurities.

"I swear I wont leave you", Karn said.

"Swear on Yudhister's Dharm"


"That is the most powerful thing I know", Duryodhan answered like it was the most obvious answer.

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