26. New lives

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There was this gut wrenching scream. Arjun found the color leave Karn's face in an instant. And then they heard it. That little noise which was music to their ears- The baby's cry. Radhama came out with the baby wrapped in a white dhoti, "Must be Angaraj's", Arjun thought.

"It's a boy Putr", she said through happy tears, "You have a son now", she said as she passed on the babyboy to Karn.

Karn took the baby into his arms. He has never felt this much happy in his entire life, "Welcome to this world my bundle of joy! I am going to be the best father the world has ever seen I Promise!", he said and kissed his son's forehead. He just wanted to stop time and cherish that moment.

Arjun noticed how the baby snuggled to his father's touch. He noticed how proud Karn felt.

"Awww", Duryodhan said. With just one look at him anyone can see how badly he wanted to hold him. How can Karn not?

"Hey little man! Let me introduce you to our uncle Duryodhan", Karn said.

"Hey little champ", Duryodhan said as he held him, "Oh my God he is so tiny", he added. He didn't even bother to hide his wet eyes, "I cant wait to play with you"

Karn saw the Pandavs waiting patiently giving the friends their space. He can tell they were also waiting to hold his son.

"Angaraj we need you in right now", Nakul yelled from the bedroom door.

"What? What happened?", Karn asked nervous.

"Your wife is loosing consciousness. Only you can bring her back. Get in here NOW", he yelled.

"Oh My God"

"It's okay we will take care of him. Go save your wife", Yudhister said and Duryodhan gave him an assuring nod.

Karn hurried to Vrushali followed by Radhama as Duryodhan whispered to the baby, "Don't worry! I will always protect you- with my life"

After a minute or so the kid started crying. "Shshhh Shshhh Its okay champ. Mom and dad will be here soon. You are my brave prince. Don't cry! Don't cry!", Duryodhan cooed. But he didn't stop crying. "Oh my God what do I do?", Duryodhan asked. Yudhister, Bheem even Adirath papa tried soothing him but he didn't. Atlast Arjun took the kid in his arms and started swaddling him.

'He is the best of Karn and Vrushali. What an amazing little soul', Arjun thought. "Hey please don't cry. Please don't.", he begged. He then took out the rattle that he stole from the heap of royal valuables that morning. The kid stopped crying at the sound of the rattle. "Yaayy its working", Arjun yelled childishly.

"Shshhh", Duryodhan & Yudhister shushed him at the same time. Duryodhan took the rattle from Arjun's hand and started shaking it as Arjun kept swaddling the little one.

Soon the kid slept in Arjun's arms. Arjun felt an instant connection to the kid. One look at the face of the kid made Arjun wanna die for him. He felt over protective.

"Is there a crib where we can put him to sleep?", Duryodhan asked Adirath.

"Well.. we didn't get one yet Putr. We thought we had time", Adirath replied.

"Its okay. Let's make a makeshift one for now", Yudhister said. "Just help me out", he added looking at Bheem and Duryodhan and soon the trio got to work. Arjun was holding the kid as he snuggled into his arms. The crib was done and Arjun then put him to bed, "Goodnight Champ! Momma Pappa will be here soon", he whispered as he kept the rattle near the sleeping kid.

"That's a nice rattle. Where did you get that?", Duryodhan asked.

"Its my mom's. I found it today morning", Arjun replied.

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