10. Immature

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'Did he just vanish?', Arjun thought as he was searching all over the palace for Karn.

"Prince Nakul DO NOT do that", he heard Karn's stern voice as he neared the garden.

"But it will be fun Angaraj", he heard Nakul say.

"Don't make me come up there. Get the hell down NOW", Karn yelled.

'What are you guys up to?', Arjun thought as he walked faster. And they came into view. Nakul was standing on a tree branch with Angaraj under the tree where both of them were busy in a staring contest.

"Nakul what are you doing?", Arjun asked as he went near them.

"Bhrata Arjun! Why are you here?", Nakul asked.

"Why are you on the tree?", Arjun asked.

"Can't you see? I am decorating", Nakul replied.

"Prince Arjun ask your brother to come down or I may have to use my bow", said a frustrated Karn.

"Why Angaraj? You gave him the work. And when he does it, you are yelling at him. What will my poor brother do?", Arjun asked.

"Ahaan... Your poor brother is doing pranks in the name of decorations. What do you think the guests will feel if you spray water on them?", Karn asked growing even more frustrated.

"Water?", Arjun asked Nakul confused.

"Haan Bhrata! Guests come from all over the place. They will be tired. So I made it in such a way that when a person comes under this tree, it will spray water and it will look like rain under the tree. Guests will cool down. Nice plan right?", Nakul asked.

"This is not a plan but a prank. I said NO", Karn said.

"Arey it will be fun. Nakul finish it", Arjun encouraged.

"Are you doing this for the sole purpose of not agreeing with me?", Karn asked.

"I didn't say that", Arjun replied.

"Why are you even here? Have you finished your work?", Karn asked annoyed.


"Did you shortlist every performance?", Karn asked with a raised eyebrow.


"Instruments and Baggage check?"


"Scheduled the slots for the performance?"

"Yes- wait what?", Arjun asked.

"That means you didn't do that. Go do it", Karn said.

"Why should I do that?", Arjun asked.

"Coz you are in charge", Karn said throwing his hands in the air, "What did you think? Maharaj will do it?", he teased.

"No I thought Angaraj will do it", Arjun bit back.

"I have other work important than babysitting you princes", Karn said, "So just do it."

"Stop ordering me Angaraj Karn", Arjun raised his voice.

"Then stop annoying me like a little brother and do the job", Karn said.

There was an abrupt silence. Arjun stared at Karn with hot anger.

"Don't you dare think that you can be my brother. That will never happen Angaraj Karn. Don't you even dream about it", Arjun yelled angrily and left.

Nakul who was watching all this came down hurriedly and apologized to Karn.

"Angaraj I will apologize on behalf of my brother. I am really sorry", Nakul said.

Karn was still shocked from the outburst.

"Please forgive him", Nakul requested.

Karn had his poker face on. "It's okay Nakul. You don't have to apologize. Just ask your men to finish the decorations without any pranks please", Karn said.


Karn then left to the guest chamber.


"Prince Sahadev", Karn called, "Is everything going good?"

"Yes Angaraj. All the chambers are almost ready", Sahadev replied.

"Good. If you need anything, inform me", Karn said and was about to leave.

"Ah Angaraj", Sahadev stopped him.


"You didn't provide me with the guest list yet", Sahadev said.

"Oh yeah! I will have it sent to you as soon as possible", Karn said but noticed a question lingering on his face.

"You want to know anything specific?", Karn asked.

"Well – er-"

"So what is it?", Karn asked again.

"Is Gandharraj Shakuni coming tomorrow?", Sahadev asked.

"He is Maharani's brother. Your Mamashri. Of course he is coming. Why?", Karn asked.

"Nothing Angaraj. I will resume my work", Sahadev said hurriedly and was about to turn his back but Karn caught him by his shoulder.

"NO Tell me. I can see your worried face", Karn said.

Sahadev looked at Karn and was not sure if he could tell him but then decided to do so anyway.

"You can trust me", Karn said.

"No its just, whenever Gandharraj comes here, he always does something to instigate Duryodhan against us or make us look bad in front of everyone. You see for the past few days Duryodhan was friendlier with us than ever because Mamashri was not here. But if mamashri is present, Duryodhan always sides with him and insult us. This royal feast is a big event. My conscience keeps yelling at me that something bad is going to happen and that is making me so angry as there is nothing I could do about it", Sahadev finished. 'Wooow did I just share all this with Angaraj who is Duryodhan's best friend? What is wrong with you Sahadev?', Sahadev scolded himself in his mind.

'I see. So this is the root', Karn thought. "Don't worry Prince Sahadev. Nobody is going to fight with anybody this time. I will make sure of it. I promise", he said.

"Really Angaraj? He is pretty cunning", Sahadev said. "Moreover he is Duryodhan's beloved Mama"

"Haha! I am Duryodhan's best friend Prince Sahadev. The power of our friendship is much stronger than Gandiv's string let alone cunning plans. Don't worry", Karn said with a confident smile.

Sahadev felt his inner conscience calm down. "If you say so", he smiled.


NOTE: And that's another chapter for you. Damnnnnnn Arjun is a hothead. And yes mamashri is going to arrive. So what is going to happen next? Stay tuned to find out. Feel free to comment your thoughts on this chapter and dont forget to vote. Thank you!!

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