7. Sparring with Bheem -2

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"He tried to kill you when you were KIDS?", Karn's voice shook in disbelief.

"What happened Angaraj?", Bheem resumed sparring. "You've got nothing to vouch for your friend now huh?", he asked.

"No I was thinking about my mom", Karn said.


"When I was a kid I used to do some mischief and she used to scold me", Karn started, "She used to say me that no one is born a bad person but the way of bringing them up that decides their path. She used to tell me this everytime she beat me for any wrong I did"

"Your point Angaraj?", Bheem asked impatiently.

"All you know is that Duryodhan poisoned you but have you ever thought who taught him stuffs like that and helped him do so?", Karn asked.

It was Bheem's turn to go silent. He fell down as he was too distracted to deflect the blow to his head from Karn. Bheem was mulling over Karn's point of view.

"Oh my God! Hey you alright?", Karn helped him get up. Bheem was starting to get a black eye.

"Yes!", Bheem said and motioned for him to continue. "So you think I shouldn't blame him for almost killing me?", he asked.

"No that is not what I meant. You SHOULD blame him, but for letting evil people use him as a pawn. But is he evil? I don't think so", Karn replied.

Then there was the silence again.

"I think we should stop now and apply something for your black eye. It's getting pretty bad", Karn said.

"No it is nothing", Bheem replied.

"I cannot let you go looking like this. I know Prince Sahadev keeps medicinal pastes ready here for times like these",Karn insisted in his end-of-discussion tone.

Bheem obliged and in a few minutes Karn was applying the paste around Bheem's eyes. No matter how much Bheem's ego hurt him to let Karn help him, he couldn't object him. He sensed some sort of familiarity and warmth towards Karn.

"Angaraj Karn!", a guard entered. "Maharaj summoned you to his chambers", he said.

"Yes I will be there in a minute", he said to the guard and continued to aid Bheem.

"I think you are good to go now", he said to Bheem examining his eye one more time.

"Thanks", Bheem said.

Karn nodded and prepared to leave.

"Angaraj!", Bheem called. Karn turned around.

"If it means anything to you, I am sorry for everything I said to you that day. I shouldn't have said such things. I shouldn't have insulted you based on birth. I am sorry Angaraj ", Bheem apologized.

Karn smiled. 'Damn... Vrushali was right', he thought. "It's okay Prince Bheem. It's all in the past", he said and left to meet Maharaj leaving a confused and stunned prince behind.

After sometime Arjun entered. He saw a look of concentration on Bheem's face that usually occurs when he is thinking too much.

"Bhrata Bheem! What happened?", Arjun asked bringing him out of the trance. He looked around "Where you practicing alone?", he asked.

"No! I was with Angaraj Karn", Bheem replied.

"What? My God what happened to your eyes? Did he hit you? Did he pick a fight? I swear I am gonna-", Arjun was on hyper mode.

"Arjun wait- STOP!", Bheem raised his voice. Arjun stopped.

"We were sparring and I got hit accidentally", Bheem explained.

"Accidents don't happen to you Bhrata", Arjun said.

"Well it did today. Infact Angaraj is great at this", Bheem said that made Arjun roll his eyes, "duh"

"Really Arjun. I got a black eye even when he was pulling his punches. He is stronger that we think", Bheem said honestly.

"Who? Angaraj? Pulling his punches? Say something believable Bhrata. He is as proud as a peacock. Why would he do that?", Arjun asked.

"Maybe we do not know him better" Bheem said in a soft voice, "He is a good man Arjun".

Arjun went silent.

"Alright let's go. It's time. I am not ready for another punishment", Bheem said lightening the mood.

"I know you love that particular punishment Bhrata", Arjun said and they laughed.


Karn went in to see Maharaj Dhritirashtran and Maharani Gandhari discussing something.

"Greetings Maharaj! Maharani", Karn announced himself.

"Ah! Angaraj Karn! Just the person I was waiting for", Maharaj said and welcomed him.

Karn touched their feet. "Ayushmaan Bhava", they wished.

"You summoned me Maharaj", Karn asked.

"Yes! I wanted to know the updates on the preparations for the upcoming feast", Maharaj said.

"Invites have been sent to every palace. Thanks to Mahamanthri Vidhur. The Guests and Delegates will start to arrive tomorrow. Palace decorations starts today. Gifts have been ordered", Karn said.

"Wooww!! Looks like we gave the responsibility in good hands", Maharani praised. Karn smiled.

"I just need to appoint supervisors. With that most of the work will be done", Karn said.

"OK! Today I will notify everyone in the assembly", Maharaj said, "Try not to be late", he added with a smirk. Karn nodded with a smile.

"Don't tease him Maharaj", Maharani scolded her husband, "Congratulations Putr. We are happy for you", she said.

"Thank you Maata", Karn said while Maharaj hugged him and patted his back.


In the Assembly,

"I have two important messages to share", Maharaj started, "For the upcoming feast along with Mahamanthri Vidhur I assign Angaraj Karn in charge for overseeing the preparations and I expect everyone to assist him"

The gathering burst into confused mutters.

"Angaraj Karn? Why is he in charge when 100 of us are present?", asked a Kaurav and earned a cold stare from his eldest brother.

"Great !! We five should get orders from him now!!", Arjun sulked and Yudhister motioned him to shut up.

"And next", Maharaj started and the crowd went silent again, "After the feast, I will be announcing the crown prince of Hastinapur"

All the Kauravs were looking at Duryodhan who smiled proudly whereas all Pandavs were looking at Yudhister who had the same stoic expression on his face.

'Oh Shit', Karn was shocked, 'So soon?', he thought. He made a mental note to talk to Maharaj about this.

After a few other discussions the assembly dispersed. "Prince Yudhister", Karn called, "Can you call your brothers so that I can assign you your works?"

"Yes Angaraj", Yudhister replied.

"And bring Duryodhan along with you, will you?", Karn added. Yudhister nodded and left.

Karn was excited because he got to put the other princes to work. He started planning for mission – unite them.


NOTE: That's it for another chapter. I read a lot of comments in the previous chapter to not destroy Karn and Duryodhan's friendship. Some things can never be destroyed peeps :).. So what next? Everybody Listen! Karn is on a Mission! So will whatever he is planning work out? Stay tuned to find out. Feel free to comment your thoughts on this chapter and don't forget the star button. 

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