21. The Waking Up

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'OH Shit! He heard everything and is totally Angry! Come on Arjun! How are you gonna fix this?', Arjun thought with remorse.

'Wow!! Did crazy prince just wish me good morning?', Karn thought as he walked away ignoring Arjun, 'Good. Let me make him run for the prize for a few days', he thought with a smirk.

Karn entered Duryodhan's chamber to find Shakuni in and Bheem absent.

"Mithr Duryodhan! How are you feeling?", Karn announced his arrival.

"Good morning Mithr. Yeah I am great",Duryodhan replied with a smile, "I was just asking Mama about yesterday's incidents after I got you know- high"

"Oh okay! Don't mind me ! Continue Gandharraj. I wont disturb you", Karn said as he sat near Duryodhan.

If looks could kill Karn would have dropped dead right there by Shakuni's intense glare. 'Damn this sutputr. Right on time to spoil my plan. Does he ever leave Duryodhan alone?', he thought. "Nah its okay. I just came to see how my kid is faring. I am glad he is okay", he said aloud with a fake smile.

"Thanks for your concern mamashree. I am sorry I had you worried", Duryodhan said.

"How did you even get high?", Karn asked.

"I have no idea", Duryodhan replied.

"I will get to the bottom of this", Karn promised frowning at Shakuni.

"I think I should leave now", Shakuni said hurriedly.

"Mamashree you came just now and you want to leave?", Duryodhan asked.

"Well- ", Shakuni started but Karn beat him to it.

"Let him go Mithr. He will have a lot of plotting to do. I mean he is Gandharraj after all. A very busy person. Don't worry. I will tell you everything that happened yesterday", Karn said, "without leaving out anything", he added with a sidelong glance at Shakuni.

"Hmm! Okay mama! I will see you later", Duryodhan said oblivious to the staring contest between the other two. Shakuni then left.

"Hey! Is everything alright?", Duryodhan asked.

"Ofcourse yes!", Karn replied. His friend just raised his eyebrows.

"Okay fine.. I made everything alright", Karn said.

"And that required a bandage to your hand?", Duryodhan asked.

"Apparently yes", Karn said and earned a glare from Duryodhan.

"How did you even get hurt? Why didn't your Kavach save you?", Duryodhan asked.

"Mithr! They come out only at my will. And moreover, its just a scratch. It does not require my mighty Kavach", Karn said making Duryodhan roll his eyes.

"Atleast tell me what happened", Duryodhan asked.

"Hell happened", Bheem came in angrily.

"Where have you been? You were supposed to look after him", Karn asked.

"What?! You were here the whole night?", Duryodhan asked.

"Ofcourse yes. Duryodhan on a high horse. How will I miss it? I would pay to see that show", Bheem boomed.

"Damn! Already my head is paining. Don't shout and make it worse", Duryodhan groaned.

"Fine", Bheem lowered his voice, "Don't throw one of your tantrums", he said.

"What? I don't throw tantrums", Duryodhan pouted when Karn and Bheem shared a meaningful glance.

"Ahaan! You don't remember anything from yesterday do you?", Bheem asked with a sly smile.

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