13. Kuruvansh's Master chefs

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Meanwhile in the kitchen,

"Okay soldiers attention!", Bheem commanded, "Who knows the basics of cooking come forward", he added to which Karn came forward. "So bad Only one?", he asked. Arjun rolled his eyes, "Bhrata Bheem enough", he said.

"Okay fine. Nakul you are gonna chop the vegetables. Sahadev grind spices. Bhrata Yudhister boil rice. Arjun make flour. Angaraj and I will manage the stove", Bheem said. Everyone were having long faces on. "This is my department. My wish will be your command. So get to work people", he barked at everyone present in the room. Nakul and a few servants started chopping the vegetables. And similarly everyone started working.

After an hour of immense work, Sahadev looked up to find sad faces of every prince except Bheem who was smiling "You are enjoying this way too much Bhrata", Sahadev complained.

"Cooking should be done with love Sahadev. Stop grumbling and do it with love", Bheem said.

"Duh whatever"

"I am sorry I am late", Duryodhan entered, "I was with mamashree"

At the mention of Shakuni, Karn saw Sahadev tense up. He gave him a slight nod as assurance.

"I wonder how he let you here", Arjun said.

"I am in no mood for another punishment", Duryodhan said. Arjun rolled his eyes. Duryodhan stared at him.

"Okay no fighting in my kitchen", Bheem said, "Duryodhan what are you going to do?", he asked.

"Stand and watch", he replied.


"I came here only for attendance. You guys continue. I won't disturb you", he said.

"Mithr come on. It is a punishment for everyone. You have to do something", Karn said.

"Nah! I am good. I don't do women's job", Duryodhan said.

"I knew it. I knew he will be against us the moment Gandharraj stepped foot in the palace", Sahadev fumed.

"Ok enough! It has nothing to do with my Mamashri", Duryodhan said.

"Now STOP IT", Karn yelled and stared at Sahadev and Duryodhan, "Everyone get back to work. That includes you too Prince Sahadev". He then turned to Duryodhan, "Come on Mithr. Please"

"Oh God You don't understand", Duryodhan stressed.

"Then explain", Bheem said.

"It's not like I won't cook. It's like I CAN'T cook", Duryodhan blurted out.


"The last I tried to boil water, the pot caught fire", he confessed.

Karn and Bheem were shocked. After few seconds they started laughing.

"Ahaan!! So my misery is funny to you huh?", Duryodhan sulked.

"I am sorry Mithr", Karn tried and failed in controlling his laughter, "But how?", he asked.

"That's one mystery I couldn't solve yet", Duryodhan pouted. Everyone laughed at his antics.

"Okay fine. Help others with their work", Bheem said.

"Yeah whatever", Duryodhan was just walking around the kitchen stealing small pieces of veggies from Nakul.

An hour or so passed.

"Okay we are almost done. Taste check", Bheem said.

"I am very good at it. Lemme do it", Duryodhan volunteered.

"Oh Yeah. If you find it good then everyone will find it good. After all you are one hell of a guy to please", Bheem said.

"What can I do Bheem? Since childhood I always wanted the best", Duryodhan smirked and took small samples of all the food but paused before tasting it, "What if it is not good?", he asked.

"It's my recipe Duryodhan. Go on. It will be good", Bheem said.

"Fine I trust you. If it taste bad then I may kill you", Duryodhan said with a fake stare.

"Just taste it without being over-dramatic", Bheem teased.

To Duryodhan's utmost surprise every food tasted well.

"WOOOOOWWW!!", he exclaimed.

"YAAAAAAAAAAY!!", everyone laughed. They added some final touch and the food was done.

Gandharraj Shakuni had a sneak peak of everything that happened in the kitchen. 'TRUST? That is a very big word that should never be added to your dictionary Putr Duryodhan. How can I let that happen? You should not trust anyone other than me. Don't worry Putr, everything will go back to the way it was soon', thought the cunning king and racked his brain for a way to put his plan into motion as he was walking away from the kitchen.

"Okay now my mouth is watering", Bheem said.

Nakul faked a look of horror, "Oh my God! Bring in the Army. The food must be saved now", he said.

Everyone laughed.

"Alright everyone get out of my kitchen", Bheem said.

"Yes let's get back to other works", Karn said and paused. He took a look at every prince's attire which was stained with food or spices "After a change of clothes I guess", he added. Everyone looked at their dirty royal attire and groaned. "Damn", Duryodhan cursed.

"Seriously Duryodhan? How did you spoil your shawl? You were just walking around", Bheem asked.

"I have no idea", Duryodan replied.

"Bring all the food to the Feast right on time", Karn ordered the servants and was swarming the other princes out of the Kitchen, "Lets go Prince Bheem. I don't trust you with ready food", Karn teased.

Bheem pouted but obliged to Angaraj Karn.

On their way to their respective chambers,

"Is your Madhav coming?", Yudhister asked Arjun.

"Uh? I don't know", Arjun replied.

"What do you mean you don't know? Didn't you ask Angaraj?", Yudhister asked well aware of the previous day's events- Thanks to Nakul.

"Well – er- actually- I-", Arjun stammered.

"Looks like someone owes an apology to someone", Yudhister said.

"Why should I apologize to him?", Arjun asked.

"I was talking about the apologize you owe me. I asked you to get me the guest list from Angaraj. But what did you do?", Yudhister asked in his calm but strict voice. Arjun didn't answer so Yudhister continued, "I didn't say anything about you apologizing to Angaraj. Then why did you ask me that question? So you yourself know that what you did was wrong", he said.

"Okay you are playing mindgames with me now", Arjun sulked.

"It's not mindgames dear Arjun. It's the truth. I am not asking you to apologize to Angaraj Karn but please try to understand that you loosing your cool like this for unnecessary reasons is not right. Consider this as a warning and don't do it again", Yudhister said strictly and walked away leaving a baffled Arjun behind.

'Did my own brother give me a warning in favor of a man who swore to kill me? What the hell is happening around me? Madhav, where are you when I need you the most?', Arjun wondered.

"I am here Paarth", he heard the divine voice behind him.

"MADHAV!", an elated Arjun turned around and gave a tight hug to The Great Vasudev Krishna himself.  


NOTE: That's chapter 13 for you. The Masterchefs did a great job I guess. But DAMN! Shakuni saw everything and he is definitely not happy. So what is he planing to do? Keep reading to find out. At the same time, say hello to the grand entrance of the one and only Vasudev Krishnan. Stay tuned. Feel free to express your thoughts on this chapter and don't forget to vote. Thanks a lot for your support. #yoursupportismyfuel

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