25. The delivery

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"Oh my God! Vrushali", Karn rushed into the house with Duryodhan hot on his heals.

Karn found Vrushali holding her stomach and screaming in pain. The others ladies were moving around the room frantically.

"Oh My God! What happened?", he yelled.

"She got labor pain", Radhama said.

"Whaaaat? How is that possible? Its been just 8 months", Karn said.

"Well apparently your kid wants to come to this world soon. Carry your wife to the bedroom", Radhama said.

Karn did as he was told. The physician was called and Duryodhan sent word to bring the Royal Vaidhya as soon as possible.

"Karn I think you should stay out", Kunti said.

"What? No way! I am not leaving her", Karn said holding his wife's hand and soothing her.

"Putr Karn! I know you are concerned. But you know you should not stay here", Kunti tried again.

"No No No Please", Karn begged.

"It's okay Aarya! I'll be alright", Vrushali assured through pain. Karn looked at her through tears.

"She'll be alright. I promise. But you have to leave", Kunti said but this time using her mom voice making Karn follow. Karn left reluctantly after placing a kiss to his wife's forehead.


He was pacing back and forth in the hall where Duryodhan and the other Pandavs were sitting with concerned faces.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Its just been 8 months and 2 days. Isn't the baby supposed to come out after 10 months or something? Why is he early? They are not letting me in. She is screaming and there is nothing I could do about it. What do I do? Oh God Oh God", Karn was hyperventilating.

"Mithr Karn"

"Angaraj Karn"

It took the combined strength of both Duryodhan and Bheem to calm him down. "You have to calm down. You loosing your mind is not helping your wife. Everything will be alright. Just stay calm. Once the baby is born, we need the father to be sane enough to hold him. So for the love of God, Calm Down", Yudhister said in his i-am-a-big-brother voice calming Karn down.

"You are doing great Mithr! You are doing great!", Duryodhan said for his part.

After sometime the Royal doctor came out of the room. Karn stood up immediately.

"Angaraj Karn!", the vaidhya hesitated, "I am sorry to say this but there seems to be a few complications. Saving either of them is difficult", he said.

"What are you talking about?", Karn growled making the doctor squirm.

"Well- uh- your wife and kid's lives are in danger", the doctor said.

"You are supposed to be the savior. The best in the job. How can you not save them? It is your goddamn duty", Karn yelled shaking the poor doctor who was scared to death. Again Duryodhan and Bheem intercepted to save the doctor from Karn's wrath.

"No no this is not happening. If anything happens to them I swear to God, I will wage a war against heaven and raise hell", Karn promised.

"Mithr Come on!", Duryodhan said cupping Karn's face, "They are your wife and kid. A great warrior's blood is running in that kid's veins. If anyone can pull through, it is them. You have to calm down", he said wiping away Karn's tears and calming him down. Nakul and Sahadev were inquiring the doctor about the situation.

"We can save them", Nakul said.


"Yes! He is just a doctor. But we possess knowledge about every medical activity. If you let us, we will give our best. Give us a chance", Sahadev asked.

Karn went to them, "You guys have called me anna. I don't know if you meant it but I see you as my little brothers. If you save them it will be like you are saving me. So please help me", Karn said folding his hands before them.

"Anna please trust us", Sahadev said and the twins went to the bedroom.

"Nakul Sahadev", Duryodhan whispered, "All the best Anuj", he said shocking them.

"Did he call us Anuj?", they thought as they entered the room to save lives.


Each passing second was like an eternity. Duryodhan was pacing whereas Karn sat on the floor. Arjun looked at how vulnerable Karn looked and felt sorry for him. His heart ached at that sight as Karn looked broken. The majestic face with the charismatic smile was lost in fear. The always calm and composed eyes were freaking out. 'He is a human after all', Arjun thought, 'He is a great man. I can't bear to see him like this. Damn this is freaking me out'. He went near Karn and sat with him. Karn didn't move.

"You know when we were kids I went down with a mysterious fever", Arjun said. Karn just looked at him to continue. "I was born in the forest and grew up in the gurukul. Gurudev made every doctor to work their ass off to find out what happened. But no! They tried a lot of medicines but my fever didn't break. Mom was so tensed just like you. She was biting their heads off to find a cure. I went to the stage where I almost stepped a foot in heaven"


"Then I was given a liquid to drink and all of a sudden I was fine. You know how?", Arjun asked. Karn just raised his eyebrows.

"It was the twins. They made me drink medicinal water. That's it. I was fine the next moment. Now my point is, those two in there, Nakul and Sahadev are the best in the world. So you can relax a bit and have faith in them", Arjun said.

"I am trying my level best Arjun. Its just- ", Karn couldn't continue.

"God gives difficulties to good men but will not leave them. You are a good man Angaraj", Arjun said.

Karn just let out a chuckle, "Never in a million years I would have imagined you sitting with me and comforting me", he said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes though.

"Well, me too. Look I made a mistake. I've been trying to apologize to you but you never wanted to hear. I am really sorry for everything I said or did", Arjun apologized whole-heartedly.

"It's okay Arjun. If we are apologizing, then I should give you one too. Infact I told you I would kill you. So I am sorry. I just want you to know that I didn't mean it", Karn said. Arjun just nodded his head and they sat in silence.

"So what was the reason of your sickness?", Karn asked curiously.

"Well someone left a marigold accidentally on my bed and I slept on that. I didn't leave the bed after I got sick. So the marigold didn't leave too. Apparently I was allergic to them. Nakul & Sahadev were the ones who found that out and threw it away. But they made me believe that that was medicinal water for years when it was just normal ganga river water", Arjun said and Karn just laughed, "Marigold huh?"

There was this gut wrenching scream. Arjun found the colour leave Karn's face in an instant. And then they heard it. That little noise which was music to their ears- The baby's cry.


NOTE: That's chapter 25 people. Disclaimer: I dont have a clear cut idea about how medical emergencies were handled in the past as well as the present. So if there are any mistakes just please understand the context :) So yaayyyyy Karn and Arjun apologized to each other and yes The BABY is born. Son or Daughter? Is Vrushali alright? Stay tuned to find out. Feel free to comment your thoughts and dont forget to vote. Thanks a lot guys!!!

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