85) The End Of Him

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I'm no hunter.

Even when it comes to animals, I'm not fond of having to chase my pray. It gives me too many opportunities to feel guilty about taking a life and just decide to go get something from a store that somebody else has killed for me instead.

But when The Hybrid King took off towards our people with deadly poison leaking from his already lethal fangs.

I had no trouble sprinting after him and giving chase.

And when I catch him. . .

It'll be the end of him.

Before I caught up, I made sure nobody was following. I'm not letting any of them get hurt like Wolfie did.

By the time I'd get the poison removed from them, The Hybrid King would already have made it to the first hideout.

I don't have to worry about that though, because the others are coming, just keeping a safe distance behind me.

Thank the goddess.

  I'll try and make this quick.

(A/N: Warning. It gets graphic)

  I felt less remorse for The Hybrid King as I jumped onto his back and dug my claws into his flanks than I do for the cow when I bite into a juicy hamburger.

  I dug my feet into the ground to slow him down and let my claws drag through his skin.

  He gave a resounding growl as he slid to a halt and tried to snap at my arms with his powerful jaws.

  I wasn't having any of it.

I grabbed his lower leg and put all the force in me into kicking it in half.

After hearing the bone crack and The Hybrid King howl, I jumped up before he could retaliate and landed my foot directly onto where he had been cut by the poison dagger across his back.

The impact made him bend his front legs as he tried to shake me off, but I just wrapped may arms around his neck in a bear hug and sunk my talons into his cheeks.

I meant it when I said that this ends now.

He tried to shift so I'd lose my grip, but that was the dumbest thing he could have done.

  For the second he used to shift into his vampire form expertly, he was defenseless.

  Using my new found indifference, created by the bomb that he triggered and my talent making a perfect storm. . .

  I sunk my fangs into the side of his neck. And at the same time that I yanked all the veins and ligaments in my mouth out, I tore more skin with my claws, pushed against his shifting body with my feet and ended him.

I tore his head off and threw it across the field.

  I heard the running footsteps of my friends come to a halt.

  "You did it," I heard Marco whisper.

  "He's dead!" Brandon breathed.

  "Holy crap we're alive!" Rose hollered and jumped into Brandon's arms.

  . . . The effects of the bomb are wearing thin now. . .

  I was so high on adrenaline just a few seconds ago. . . Now I can't even think about celebrating for a second.

  Crazy how things like that happen, huh?

  All I can do is lay here and stare up at the sky.

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