16) Again? Really?

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Yeah, this is really bad.

My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at how wide they shot open.

D@mn Rose and her freaking emotion reading.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "You didn't get that from me did you?"

She rolled her eyes and pouted, "No, still haven't gotten through to you," she pointed a determined finger at me, "but I will."

I chuckled, "Yeah, good luck with that."

She's been working to get into my head since she found out her talent was emotion reading and figured out it didn't work on me.

After some nasty run-ins with them(mind readers and such), I decided it would probably be best to try and train myself to keep people like that out of my brain. It worked. And pretty well too. Emotion readers, mind readers and people with telepathy can't pry their way in without me letting them(unless they're more advanced, in which case, I'm working on it). Now, I'm able to use it to keep bad guys out and annoy my friend to death. It's a good skill to have.

That's a well known fact around here, though, her emotion reading, she's always spilling secrets. But where everyone's attention is now, is the secret she just spilled.

Brandon, Wolfie and Happy mirrored my expression of shock. I don't think it's sunken in for everyone else yet.

Especially Brandon. His next action was to stare at me with a look of bewilderment on his face.

You'd think it'd be Wolfie who's reaction would be the biggest — his supposed secret being out and all — but Brandon knows me, and our little friend group was pretty much convinced I was never gonna find any sort of romantic love interest. Figured I was too romantically incompetent.

  Not even the mate bond that everyone gets would help me.

But now, here we are.

  Still an awkward potato that's afraid of emotions, but with a mate.

An improvement?

That's debatable.

And I definitely don't think the information has quite sunken in for everyone else yet. No one's looking shocked out of their mind yet.

  Yes, it's also a well known fact around here that I suck at love, so I'm just waiting for the confused faces.

  Wolfie glared, and his gaze shot to me, then her. "How did you know that?!"

  My best friend smirked evilly, "You may act all big and mean, but your feelings betray you," she pointed at him.

He narrowed his eyes angrily, "What the h3ll is going on? How did you know that?"

Haha, he's so confuzled.

"It's my talent. Y'know, that ability vampires get when they're young?"

He just stared at her, still confused, and angry about it.

"No? Not ringing any bells? Jeez, you're mated to a vampire and you don't know crap about them," Rosie mocked.

Brandon shook his head, "disgraceful".

I smiled at them. They're so awesome.


And there's the reaction from the onlookers I was waiting for. The lightbulb.

"Ha, of course. How typical," The Captain remarked with his nose up, looking down on me with judgment radiating off him, practically in waves.

Big Bad WolfieUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum