7) Well, How Problematic

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"Jason," I called to grab his attention, "Done with your private discussion?"

"It's alpha to you," he glared at me.

"Please, you're lucky I don't call you Wolfie to your face," I rolled my eyes. I turned to the bar tender. "Can I have a drink please? Something strong," I waved my hand.

"Excuse me?" He snapped at my 'Wolfie' comment.

"You're excused," I nodded with a grin.

Our company chuckled.

"Why do you have to be so childish?" He grumbled.

My drink came. "Um, maybe because I am one," I took a sip of it, rolling my eyes.

I made sure dog boy didn't get enough time to respond. "Wow, this is really good," I chuckled. It's like a strawberry lime mix sort of thing. You wouldn't even tell it was alcohol if it didn't leave that burning down your throat.

"Wait, what?" He frowned, snatching my drink.

I scoffed and reached for it, but he put his arm up, blocking me.

  "Hey, it's mine. You —"

"How old are you?" He raised an eyebrow.

I froze. A nervous chuckle escaped my lips. "Pft, age is but a number." I reached for my cocktail sort of thing again, but he held it farther away.

"You're right, so just tell me yours," he argued, with a smart-aleck smirk on his dumb face.

Oh, congratulations. I mentally rolled my eyes. You know how to recycle other people's words.

"Um. . . I'm senmhmn," I mumbled.

"You're what?"



"SEVENTEEN! I'm seventeen, okay?!"


"HAHAHAHA!" He laughed obnoxiously loud, still holding my drink above his head.

  You're laugh is beautiful.

  I hate you.

I crossed my arms and frowned.

  "You're just a baby!" He laughed.

  "Am not!"

  "You're not even old enough to drink in most places!"

  "Neither are you!" Probably.

  We wouldn't be mates if there was that much of an age gap.

  He chuckled. "You're not getting this back. Your little baby brain is still developing and shouldn't have alcohol."

No more stress relieving happy juice?

  Oh h3ll no.

  "Yeah, well this girl," I pointed to myself, "with my baby brain, has some stupid dog people trying to get the run of my home, the leader of which just happens to be the person I'm destined to spend the rest of my life with, which is just GREAT. Also, it's MY responsibility to fix all this because y'know, why not? It's my freaking house — so you have no right to prevent me from drowning my senses in alcohol so I can pretend the whole ordeal isn't happening for the time being!" I ranted in one breath, spitting a thousand words per second. I grabbed his wrist and snatched my drink back with a scowl.

  I chugged the rest of the glass in one go. "Can I have a shot of the strongest thing you have?" I asked the bar tender.

  "Woah, woah," Wolfie put his hand up to slow me down and made a reach for the new shot.

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