5) Such a Drag

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((A/N) this is her hair style^^ the coloring isn't accurate though.)

  After the dress, it was hair and makeup and this and that and all this stuff that actually did end up taking most of the day.

  I didn't get to look in the mirror much this whole time, but I caught a glimpse of myself in a window on our way to my aunt and uncle's office — which Jason has taken over — and I don't look terrible.

It's not what I would have done for myself — the makeup's a little heavy — but it could have been worse.

I will be wiping some of it off, though. They made my freckles disappear under all this concealer! That was probably the point, but I look weird without them. Like I'm my evil twin with really clear skin or something. Not to mention the blush. They went crazy with it. I look like a clown that just got complemented on my shoes, but they said, and I quote, "we've got to add some color to those lifeless cheeks."

Well I'm sorry, not enough blood flows through my veins for that.

The eyes are pretty loud too. Although, I'm afraid if I try to wipe off the blue-purple hombre thing going on, it will ruin everything and make me look even more like a clown. And that's not the look I'm going for either.

  The hair's fine. It's just two simple french braids running down over my shoulder and stopping near the middle of my back. It really makes all the different colors I have running through my hair look beautiful. The style's nothing too extreme. What they wanted to do at first though, was. They were so adamant about wanting to dye my crazy colored dark brown, nearly black hair, BLONDE. Blonde! Out of all shades! They ranted about how great it would be for the look and how it would make my green eyes pop and blah blah blah. First of all, my eyes aren't always green. Second of all. . .

  . . . Well, I just have no desire to be a blonde.

  And I'm afraid of commitment and change so I keep my hair the same forever, but that has very little to do with it.

  I literally had to pin the hair stylist's wrists behind her back to keep her from doing it. The warriors and Blondie tried to stop me(this also took up quite a bit of time) but I was not letting go until I knew for sure my hair wasn't getting dyed.

  And now, here we are. Walking down the hall to meet Wolfie. Hair still perfectly brown and rainbow.

  I wonder what he'll think.

  No I don't. I don't care.

  . . . Yes I do.

  But he will never EVER know that.

  Blondie knocked on the door.

  "Who is it?" Wolfie called from inside.

  "It's Emily."

  So Blondie's name is Emily.

  "Come in," he responded.

  We did as he said and opened the door. I looked around and noticed he hasn't done much to the office. He's sitting at the larger of the two desks — my aunt's — and he's moved it to the center of the room. There's also a bunch of papers — probably her stuff — that fill the trash can next to him.

Well, at least now my aunt's desk is finally getting cleaned out.

That's pretty much it of what he changed. My uncle's things haven't even been touched.

  We stepped into the room and found him looking down at a couple of documents. I recognize a few of them as my aunt's, and others I don't recognize at all.

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