77) On the Move

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***Maria's POV***


  (A/N: so sorry for the delay, I kept telling myself I was gonna write and I just never sat down to do it:(((. ALSO, chapter 76 is so chaotic, I couldn't even understand it, I can't imagine how y'all did it, but kudos to you.)

If I crash and burn that'll be embarrassing, but at least I tried.

I snuck around swiftly to inform my house members of the plan before it was too late. Wolfie just mind linked his wolves and he and Happy headed to meet the reinforcements, while Abaddon and I rushed to deliver the news, because we didn't trust the phones weren't tapped.

I got to the first hide out and gave a quiet knock, "Hey, it's me, open up," I whispered.

"Maria?" I heard a girl respond back.

  "Yes, it's me, I have something important to tell you!" I frantically glanced around knowing Abaddon's troops won't be able to hold the hybrids at the border for long, and our backup is still coming through the woods between the pack house and the rest of the pack, so I'm on my own out here.

  "Okay," I heard her voice again followed by the sound of the metal door handle being messed with.

  "Wait, what are you doing?!" Someone interrupted and the sound stopped.

  No don't wait!

  "How do we know it's her?" The man said skeptically.

  "Can't you smell me?" I called back a little impatiently.

"You smell like dog," he responded flatly.

"I'm mated to a werewolf, dude. What do you expect?"

"Ew, there are children in here Maria —"

"Oh my goddess, not like that! Just open the door!"

"But what if —"


The man scoffed and the girl spoke up again, "Just let her in," and the rustling picked up again behind the door.

"Stacy, Mr Sellers," I acknowledged excitedly as the door swung open. They must have been the ones arguing over letting me in.

(A/N: Do y'all remember them from wayyyyy in the beginning? If not you'll catch on, they're just ppl in her house.)

  I looked between them at everyone else and sighed in relief, they're all safe.

I made sure to close the door quickly behind me.

  Cami, Gummy Bear, Dylan, and so many others are here. It's been too long since I've seen my own people.

"Are we sure, it's really her? Maybe we should leave her out to the wolves, just in case," Mr Sellers scowled.

Even if they're not excited to see me.

  "Oh hunny, don't be rude," Mrs Sellers came to my rescue. She shifted her attention to me. "It's good to see you dear, and thank you for covering for me with your mate a few months back."

  Oh, I totally forgot about that.

  The interviews when Wolfie first got here while Mrs Sellers was off in the woods feel like so long ago.

"Of course," I smiled tightly at her while her husband glared at me.

Her and Cami returned my smile, though.

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