47) That Guy

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We're on our way through the hot and muggy Forrest after finding the last known whereabouts of the hybrids from the computer drive.

Things were going slowly, a.k.a, we're all bored out of our minds waiting for something to happen.


  Anything other than my calf hurting like a mother trucker.

Wolfie got a call.

Well I guess that's something.

"Hello?" He spoke into the phone.

The person on the other side spoke. He narrowed his eyes at me before he said, "Yeah, she's with me, why?"

~~Destiny's POV~~

"Oh ummmm," I looked to Doc and Trainer Marco for help, "I need to talk to her because. . ."

They were no help and just motioned for me to hurry up and come up with something.

I tried to hide my small pout. I'm not good at lying.

"Um, vampire stuff," I said lamely.

"Well I'm sure —" by the tone of his voice I knew he was about to shut me down.

"Girl vampire stuff," I added hurriedly.

Doc and Trainer Marco looked at me like that was the dumbest thing I could have said.

Wow, I'm stupid.

"Can't you get someone else to help you with that? She —"

"Can I please just talk to Maria?!" I sputtered, "she's like a sister to me and I don't want to talk about this with anyone else," I looked down shyly, even though he can't even see me.

It's because I do see her as a big sister, but that's kind of embarrassing, don't you think?

He sighed, and for a second, I thought he was just going to hang up.

"What's your name?" I was happy when I heard his voice again.

"Destiny," I mumbled quietly.

"Maria, there's a Desity on the phone wanting to talk to you," I heard him on the other end, mispronouncing my name. I've always been told I'm hard to understand over the phone.

"Desity?" I heard her question.

Oh my goodness, how embarrassing.

"Yeah, I don't know," Mr Jason said, probably rolling his eyes.

"Oh! It's probably my favorite little wallflower!" I heard Maria a second later.

I blushed.

I cursed myself. Dang it, I'm only able to blush right after I feed, but Doc and Trainer Marco are standing right there.

I don't think Trainer Marco noticed, but Doc pinched my cheek.

I sighed.

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