60) Stupid Questions

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  Alright, time to get your big girl pants on and get this sh*t done.

Ignore the part of you that's dying inside.

Shove it down.

Shove it down, down, down.

You have to be brave.

Be brave, be brave, be brave.

  We're in our hiding positions after deciding the plan and our ear pieces are on the lowest volume.

  Hopefully the hybrids won't be able to hear them, but just as a precaution we agreed to keep the communication to a minimum.

  Wolfie and I are at the side of the building waiting for an opening to sneak in and clear a path for everyone else.

  We've been spotted by one of the guards already, but we took him out before he could sound the alarm.

  But his buddy showed up looking for him before we could get anywhere.

I glared at the guard from our hiding spot as he started to sniff the air.

Wolfie and I looked at each other.

Wolfie slowly reached down to grab a rock without making a sound. He silently threw it far away from us so the rustling of the leaves would distract the hybrid.

I know it's cliché, but it works.

The hybrid's head snapped in our direction.

Well, crap.

It works most of the time, anyway.

My and Wolfie's eyes widened and we rose slightly from our crouched positions, ready to do with this one what we did with the last guard.

But he did something very peculiar for a hybrid.

Maybe that's why it took us so long to process what happened and respond.

The hybrid turned on his heals and made a run for it.

Crap. What just happened?

An alarm started blaring.

Double crap.

Wolfie and I looked at each other's stunned faces, both probably understanding what this means at the same time. They know we're here, and we're screwed.

A second later we snapped out of it, and with the gracefulness of a couple of startled elephants, we stumbled out of the foliage and towards where the hybrid went.

We came to a halt right inside the facility hallway.

I stopped because running head first into the pits of h3ll without a second thought wasn't on my agenda today, but upon looking over, I realized Wolfie stopped for a different reason.

His eyes were that beautiful glowing gold and his skin was becoming even more taut against his muscles. He's shifting.

I subconsciously squeezed my thighs together and swallowed the new lump forming in my throat.

No! Bad Maria. This is not the time to be thinking about how big his muscles get right before he shifts.

What I should be thinking about is that if he does shift, his scent is going to be impossible to hide. We might as well have a GPS tracker on us while sneaking through this place to take down the fist level defenses.

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