36) I Have Him

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  I managed to get Wolfie to let out exactly who I wanted for the two jobs of blood scavenging and joining us on our hybrid hunt.

It wasn't easy, but an aura battle and d@mn near fist fight latter, I had Brandon and Rose on our team for the search and Trainer Marco, and Doc for the blood scavenging.

As much as I hate sending Doc out. If she's ever the one getting seriously hurt, that's our best doctor out of commission, but I think she's the best option for now. The only one I feel confident will be able to handle the rookie wolves that will be "assisting" them.

  And if you want anyone out of confinement when you're planning something like I am, Marco is the one to have. He's a total bad@ss. Taught me and my best friends most of what we know.

His workouts suck.

But you don't take out entire teams of men without a little backbone.

And if you don't have one of those with him as your trainer.

Ha, you either grow one or. . .

There is no or.

We started walking back to the Master House while Happy briefed everyone back at the cells about their jobs and what not.

We made it back, and he lead me up to the floor with my room on it. I figured he was going to shove me into the room I've been staying in for the past few weeks, like usual, but we turned into "his room".

"Here, come sit," He gestured to the bed.

Ummm. . .

What are we doing?

He saw the hesitation.

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not going to bite." He walked over and grabbed my arms so he could lead me to the bed.


I'm highly suspicious of what's going on here.

This is not normal behavior for him.

He usually just likes to either pretend I'm not here or make me feel incredibly uncomfortable.

  That is, until he throws a tantrum and can't resist screaming at me.

  But I go with the flow anyway.

  He didn't sit down next to me once I was on the bed, so I was left looking up at him.

Oh jeez, I'm about to be lectured, aren't I?

"There is no way in h3ll you're coming with us to search for the hybrids."

The burden of always being right.

"There is, and I am," I informed him.

"No, you are not. It's too dangerous."

"Since when have you cared about my safety?"

"Since always, Maria, I don't know if you noticed, but what happens to you, effects me, as well."

Effects or affects?

"It always has to come back to you, doesn't it? Why should I care what you think when you care about me only because there could be repercussions for you?"

He took a step towards me. "Why is that all you're taking away from this? I'm trying to protect you. Just don't go on the search!"

"I'm going weather you want me to or not," I told him.

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