ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕠. ☕️

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Kimi and Seb were the first ones to be awake as they went to bed the first. So the first hour since they had been awake at eight was filled with silence, Seb watching the news while Kimi was sitting next to him reading the newspaper. Call him old-fashioned but he loves to read the newspaper.

After the clock said nine in the morning, Fernando and Lewis came down, sitting on the dining table watching the news along with Seb while it was on repeat. Seb by now wasn't listening anymore and Nando took over the newspaper, Kimi had been done with.

Half an hour after that, Daniel, Sergio and Nicholas and Valtteri had come done while Kimi and Seb had decided it would be time that they were going to make some breakfast for the drivers. They know that normally that they have a certain team do the cooking for the day but as of right now, the Ferrari team is still asleep as the FIA had made a random schedule for which team would cook what day.

"how late did the kids stay up?" Kimi asks.

Fernando shrugs his shoulders as he had seen Lance and Esteban go to bed before him. but the rest were still watching the bad horror movie they had decided to watch, Max had been eating popcorn with a grin on his face. Lando had been snuggled in the side of Carlos, too scared to watch.

George was snuggled next to Alex who was in between the brit and the Monegasque. Daniel went to bed just after the older Spaniard had. Pierre had to hold a very excited Yuki back for shouting at the dumb characters as he was the only one with Max who wasn't frightened by the dumb movie. Mick was sulking and scared while watching the movie, lonely that his friend and Alfa Romeo's reserve driver, Callum Ilott wasn't there yet.

Nikita had gone to bed half way into the movie as he was tired, having to wait an entire day at the airport before he could finally be here. Antonio, Val and Sergio went to bed somewhere close to the end. Once the movie had been done, it had been one in the morning. Lando, Max, Yuki and Alex didn't want to go to bed just yet.

So all the younger drivers who had seen the end of the movie, decided it wouldn't hurt to watch another movie. Which resulted into the kids going to bed around 3:30 in the night. Carlos was too lazy to walk all the way down the hallway to his room so he crashed in the room of the young brit.

"I think it was something like three thirty." Sergio said. "I heard some doors open."

"I'll wake them up." Seb says.

Kimi nods as he finishes up putting the scrabbled eggs and toast on the table, Daniel and Sergio start setting up the table and bringing out the orange juice and milk. The guys look up at the screeching of a chair, Max drops down in the chair yawning loudly.

"morgen." Max says with a heavy Dutch accent.

"hi Maxie!" Daniel greets the tired dutchman.

Kimi chuckles and pours the poor boy some black coffee, hoping it would wake the young man up just a little bit. As the dutchman looks like a ghost at this very moment. He yawns and puts his hand under his head, eyes closing while he can barely stay awake.

Max thanks the fin for the coffee and sips on it, knowing that he is not going to say anything about what happens when he gets coffee. Smiling he wakes up a little. He knows that the FIA made a list of food and drinks that some of the drivers aren't allowed to have.

Kimi walks back to the kitchen and a piece of paper catches his eye. Big bold letters are written on it. He picks it up and goes over the list of things that some drivers can't have, stopping on the name of the dutchman, sipping quietly on the coffee.

"why are you not allowed to have coffee?" Kimi looks at Max.

"because I get hyper..." Max mumbles.

Kimi sighs, great, he will have to deal with a hyper Max. something that he might never have seen before, but he doesn't understand just why Max is allowed to have energy. He shakes his head and decides that for now it's not his problem until Max is indeed this hyper.

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