ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖. 🤬

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The drivers have been cooped up in the house for a few days now, some were getting quite claustrophobic and wanted to do other things than just sit in the big house. But the weather wasn't helping in any way, it had been raining nonstop for days now. which was kind of odd for Spain and the time of the year as it is only a few days from being April.

Some of the drivers had gotten in a fight already and were ignoring the other. Max and Esteban had gotten in a fight only because they accused the other of cheating at monopoly. In the end they got in such a bad fight that Max and Esteban have been banned form being in the same room unless they were going to apologize to the other. But seeing how they both are super stubborn that was a little farfetched.

Some of the drivers had sided with the arguing duo, but some just rolled their eyes and had went to bed, being done with Max and Esteban who would fight and argue at every given moment. Some don't understand how they couldn't get along, only because of an incident on a race track?

Lance had sided with Esteban and so the two had been doing things other than the rest of the grid as Esteban didn't want to be in the same room as the dutchman, Max  had scoffed at how Esteban didn't want to be in the same room and had called him a child.

Kimi and Seb had constantly pressed the two drivers to make up, they wouldn't. so they had a split in the group of drivers. Max had at one point decided to not come downstairs at all. When Esteban had called him arrogant and dick sucking daddy's little boy, that the dutchman should crash and die. Max had been so angry that he had wanted to murder Esteban but decided against it.

He had gone up stairs, muttering a good night to all the drivers who didn't do anything to him and that were he has been staying for the last two days. Cooped up in his room, door locked so that no one could get in and would only leave if he was in desperate need of using the bathroom.

Esteban had been scolded for talking that way about Max and some drivers had been worried Max was going to do something that would have some dire consequences. Lando and Daniel had knocked and asked the dutchman if he was coming down but they got a short no. the dutchman refused to get out of the room and just stayed there.

After the third day of Max not leaving his room for anything other than the bathroom, Kimi decided to get a hair pin and break in the dutchman's room to scold him for going on a hunger streak and not coming down for some comfort as Esteban had been sorry he had said that to Max, he didn't mean what he said to Max but it had come out anyway.

Kimi had told everyone to stay downstairs, he didn't want to overwhelm the man. But he told Nando, Seb and Lewis to look out for in case the dutchman decides to leave the house in this storm that has been raging outside. Lightning striking every once in a while, Lando is cuddled up on the Spaniard as he is scared of lightning.

As the Fin gets to the door of the dutchman, he knocks. But he doesn't get any response of the boy on the other side of the door. Kimi gets worried about the dutchman as he hasn't hear him go to the bathroom since last night. The boy is either still asleep or he might be passed out by now but Kimi feels uneasy.

He opens the door with a hair pin, the door creaks open and he looks around. Surprised at how clean the room still is, he can hear the television run in the background as he sees a bundle of blankets on the bed. He gets the feeling that Max is hiding the fact that he is upset. He closes the door, the blanket moves and the dutchman pokes his head out of the bundle.

"Max?" Kimi asks.

"Leave me alone." Max mumbles.

Kimi moves over to the dutchman, who is still pretty much hiding from the older driver. The Fin doesn't know how to approach the dutchman as he turns his face back to the tv while he is watching the Witcher.

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