ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝕠𝕟𝕖. 🏎️💨🏁

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If Seb had ever thought that Carlos had been for real about his words to hurt Max when they would see him was one thing, then he had never realised what Max would do. He never believed this day would come, late at night while being in Qatar.

"You fucking sick and twisted Monster! How could hou fucking do this to me! To Lando! How could you fucking try to kill us all! You absolute fucking monster!" Carlos shouts before stalking closer to the dutchman.

Seb could have sworn that Max had looked different then when they last saw him. He looks exhausted and jumpy, the shouting of Carlos had him look like a deer caught in headlights before anger had started to flare over the features of the dutchman.

"Excuse you? I did no fucking shit like that! I'm many things! A hothead, asshole, i fucking hurt people with things i don't mean but i would never! Ever fucking kill people i once considered my friends until they suddenly started blaming me for stabbing you!" Max shouts, he doesn't take a step closer like he had normally done.

Max seems to keep his distance from Carlos and take a step back or create more space between them when the Spaniard did come closer. Maybe the dutchman didn't want to get in a fight here in the paddock. Or maybe it's something else.

"Just fucking admit you want us dead! You hate us to the core and want to fucking kill us more then anything. We sae your room, it was filled with posters of our faces with crosses over our eyes! You sick twisted murdering monster!" Carlos shouts louder.

They should be glad that they are in a sound proof room, Daniel had found Max walking towards the exit of the paddock to leave and dragged him here before he could escape or disappear within the crowds of people.

"You know what! If that is what you want me to fucking say! I want you guys dead! Now happy?! I said what you wanted to hear! I admitted to you that i wanted to kill you guys in whatever way that you think that i did!" Max shouts back before he's turned on his heel and out of the door before anyone could say anything.

If Seb had ever wanted to hear the opposite to what had just been shouted between Carlos and Max. He had never wanted someone to disagree to what another had said more then anything it was today. Somewhere in his heart had Seb wished that Max would say that he didn't do it but there is no denying it anymore that the Dutchman had tried to.

He could never unheard those words anymore, there would be no way back to deny that this had ever been Max to begin with. None of then could ever erase the words that came from Max's mouth, the way that he spoke so confidently about doing it.

Yet something about Max screamed that something else was going on with him. He couldn't place it but Max seemed to have lost a lot of weight compared to the size of shirt he was wearing while his jeans hadn't looked new and yet pretty baggy on him.

The dull look in Max's eyes had shown just how absentmindedly the man actually is from the world. The way that he stiffly had walked off like his back is hurting badly. That something other then admitting to be the one killing them is going on with him that he isn't honest about.

"I can't believe i have ever considered him to be my friend." Carlos says huffing before taking a seat next to his pregnant muppet.

"Something is off about him." Kimi concludes. "He didn't look like someone capable of doing that. Something else is the matter with him, i think we should call Sophie to visit us in Spain and see if she knows the passwords to that usb." Kimi says before getting up from his seat to walk away.

But Seb stops him by pulling his keychain out of his pocket, showing the black usb hanging from a ring on the keychain. Which has most snap their attention to the jingling of the keys.

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