ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟. 🏖️

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Yuki was looking at the two best friends, which one was his crush and the other is madly in love with max. Well Yuki knows is starting to realise he is into max and has been having troubles excepting the fact that he is gay.

The Japanese had been laying in the sun for a while now, watching his crush play in the water with his best friend. Yuki doesn't know if the Frenchman is even gay but he hopes he is. He just lays on the towel and tries to ignore the crush he is having.

Lewis and Nando are sitting a bit further away, smiling at how George is having a sand castle contest with Esteban. The two having no time for anyone else but the sandcastle they are trying to build. Nando laughs a little when he sees the tower of Esteban fall down and the castle of George wash away.

Lewis can't help but watch with big heart eyes at the Williams driver that is trying to rebuild his castle with no success, ending up with all the sand over his chest and stomach. Lewis and Nando are the judges to their sandcastle fight.

Lando and Carlos have disappeared somewhere on the beach, most likely to be somewhere behind the bushes playing some game that they don't want the others to join in. Lando desperately trying to win from the spaniard.

Who seems to be a master at the game and doesn't show any sign that he is going to lose to the boy. Or more likely to be playing easy on him because Lando would feel bad if Carlos played easy on Lando. It would make him feel worse then getting beaten with Carlos trying his best.

Kimi and Seb are next to Lewis and Nando, overseeing the entire private beach. Seeing how all the kids are playing while they lay on the towel, chatting a bit about the last race in Imola. They had two races done and more to go. They were already chatting a bit about the coming up race.

Kimi was looking at the German for the moment, holding his hand in his very gently as they wanted to just lay down and look over the kids that they had started to consider as their own children. Mostly the youngest five, meaning George, Alex, Lando, Charles and Max even though there are a couple more younger or in the same age range but they were a bit more mature and wouldn't come up with something stupid to get themselves killed.

Max was somewhere with the little Mexican boy, holding water guns and shooting water at each other. Max has been playing more with Chequito, Dan and Toni more then with his other friends as they would always be with Charles and Max was trying to avoid the Monegasque as much as he could.

Max didn't want to come to terms with his feelings for the Monegasque so he thought that if he just doesn't come bear him at all costs, it would eventually go away but it has been two weeks and not a single cell in his body has moved on. Making Max really frustrated and angry because he wants to spend time with Alex and Lando but he can't when Charles is around.

He just knows that Max and Charles will end up fighting and he doesn't want to fight all the tike when he wants to have some fun. So he is spending his time mostly with his best friend, Dan and his somewhat boyfriend, Toni.

Lance has been having the tike of his life, Checo treats him really well and they have a son that Lance is very happy about even though it's not his own blood he still loves him till infinity. Chequito is kind of their world and Lance loves how much Chequito loves him.

Checo is constantly doing something with Lance or his son but once Max takes the little boy up for some fun. It's those moments Checo gets to entirely enjoy Lance's company and have some alone time as they do now. Cuddling on the beach chairs while they look at how much Max is having fun with the little boy.

It's moments like these that Checo is grateful for having Max as Chequito's uncle and godfather. It gives Checo also some time to chat with the other drivers and have some fun. He knows that little chequito is safe with Max. He's proven himself a lot lately.

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