ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟.🦈

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Charles groans, trying to snuggle closer to the dutchman that he remembers went to bed with him last night. But his hand meets nothing more then cold sheets, did he leave him or was Max up way before he did? He doesn't want to get up out of his bed but he misses having Max to snuggle with while waking up.

It had been a couple of days since the Monaco Grand Prix. They had the Azerbaijan race just the night before. Charles had seen the look on the dutchman and he thought that Max had looked very sad about his crash after the race. Charles had wanted to hug the dutchman but they didn't want to have people find out about their new found friendship.

Charles doesn't know what they are yet, they haven't kissed nor have they done anything else then just cuddle and be nice to each other. He wants something more with Max but he respects Max's decision on trying to figure what he is into and figure out what his feelings means.

Charles rolls around and sees what e already knew, an empty bedside where you can still see that the dutchman had been a while back. He grabs Max's pillow and sniffs the sweet scent of the dutchman. Missing the warmth and the strong arms of the dutchman around him.

After a couple of moments later. Charles gets up from his bed and finds a t-shirt of Max laying on the floor. He knows that Max wore that the day before and he knows that it still smells like the dutchman. He grabs it from the floor and puts it on, he loves the black shirts of Max. mostly on Max.

He puts on a pair of grey joggers who are also of Max, loving the feeling of Max's clothes. After that night that Max and Charles had talked out their problems with each other. It was no surprise that Charles loves stealing clothes of Max but he had never wore the clothes with the other drivers.

Charles leave his room. He closes the door behind him and hears a snicker coming from behind him. he turns to the Frenchman,  Pierre snickering as he sees the Monegasque. Charles feels his cheeks heat up, he knows that he is turning as red as a tomato. Pierre must have noticed that this is not his clothes.

"stealing max's clothes again?" Pierre chuckles.

"fuck off!" Charles grumbles.

He walks to the stairs and Pierre follows, Charles knows that Pierre was Max's team mate for a while so he knows that Pierre would know which clothing piece is of Max and which one is not. Pierre has known Charles for so long that he would know what are clothing of Charles and he knows that Charles doesn't own any grey joggers. He owns more like expansive sweats pants.

"I know you and Max are something." Pierre says.

"I don't really know what we are." Charles replies back.

Pierre can see on the face of the Monegasque that it hurts him, that he doesn't know what that are. Charles wants to be more but he respects Max and doesn't want to rush the other boy. But he doesn't complain that Max wants to take it easy and keep it on the downlow and not put a label on it just yet nor that he wants to lead the Monegasque on.

"does that bother you?" Pierre asks.

"kind of. But I understand, he is trying to understand his feelings." Charles tells Pierre.

Pierre feels sorry for Charles that Max is so confused about his feelings but it's a relief to the Frenchman that Max is so honest with the Monegasque. Not that Pierre expected it differently from Max but it still makes him feel at easy that Max is so honest and is trying to lead his best friend on.

The two best friends walk into the dining room and Max almost chokes on his glass of orange juice. Coughing loudly while Lando, Alex and George shoot out laughing at seeing Charles in the t-shirt with obviously a red bull logo on it on the side. All know that Charles doesn't own a pair of grey joggers.

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