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I was on twitter seeing Y/N, Lori and I trending. I watched Lori's video and honestly The rumors between Y/N and I were already hard but Lori came out and said what she said just added more fuel to the fire.  Usually the internet holds onto a rumor for like a month they holding onto this shit for dear life.
I then seen Y/N came out with a tweet earlier and I read it.

 I then seen Y/N came out with a tweet earlier and I read it

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I just retweeted it and chuckled to myself. These rumors have been going around since I came out and they haven't let it die ever since. I then seen Cardi B retweeted a tweet about a News Article that was about Y/N and I.

"They're sooo cute but y'all bitches are going to be the reason why they never fucking come out and say it. Like damn y'all want to know what her pussy taste like too?!" She tweeted as I chuckled and looked up at Y/N.

"Now you see why I had a hard time dating?!" Y/N asked dropping her phone on the bed as I chuckled. "They been going on with this rumor forever and now that we are dating it feels like they going ten times harder." I explained turning my phone off. "You think we should just tell them?" She questioned. "It's up to you. When we tell them we just keep doing what we doing now and eventually the hype will die down" I said as she climbed on the bed.

"The shade room every time I turn around is posting about us like damn I'm ready to pay them so they could stop" she joked as I chuckled. "I wanted privacy because once we let it be known they're going to act fucking nuts" she said as we shared a small laugh. "Let's wait it out for a little longer if that's what you want to do" I said as she smiled and laid her head on my chest while looking up at me.

"What?" I asked in a chuckle as she shook her head and I kissed her head. "Eh alright get off of me" she said pushing my head away from her and sitting up as I laughed. "Don't start" I started off. "Or what?" She questioned. "Just know don't start" I warned as I picked up the TV remote. "Or what?" She questioned snatching it out of my hand as I sat up and smacked her in the forehead she immediately pinched my nipples. "See you be taking shit to the extreme" I said as she laughed turning on the TV. She just bucked at me before flipping through the channels.

I took a pillow and hit her upside the head causing her to fall out on the bed. "Yeah!" I said standing up as she grabbed a pillow beginning to hit me back as I blocked her hits. She stood up on the bed continuing to hit me with the pillow as I grabbed one of her legs causing her to fall on the bed.
"Nah I got you now" I said as she tried to get away but I grabbed her ankle brining her closer while continuing to hit her with the pillow. "Okay" she said through her laughs but I kept going.

"Alright Michael!" She let out in a laugh as I chuckled and I stopped climbing on top of her. We smiled at each other as I placed my lips on hers and slowly kissed. He hands roamed up my chest as she wrapped her arms around my neck. She pulled away and smiled "what?" I asked smiling and leaning down to kiss her neck. "I was looking at you earlier when you were filming" she started off as I pulled away and she just continued to smile. "I'm so proud of you" She admitted. "You've been doing this for a minute and to see how far you've came I am so happy for you" she expressed.

"I still got some more ways to go" I said as she rubbed her thumb agains my cheek. "Yeah but actually sit there and take it in don't be so ready to think about what comes next" she started off. "Black panther broke the box office that's something you need to bask in for a moment" she brought up as I faintly smiled. "And that goes for every other aspect of life, enjoy every moment of it" she said as I nodded feeling her grab my face and kiss my lips.

She then pulled away "My little Denzel Washington" she joked as we shared a small laugh and I kissed her lips. "You never know you might just get to work with him" she brought up as I just smiled at her. Everything was great career wise with me but honestly this is the happiest I've been in any of my relationships. It was always something about Y/N since we were kids that made me know that she is home. I just prayed she felt the same way about me.

"Set aside August 30th" I said as she giggled "why?" She asked. "We're going to the MTV movie awards" I said moving from off of her. "Mike I honestly think your mother should go to your awards" she admitted as I chuckled. "Babe come on" I started off "I'm dead ass" she said. "You want to speak to Donna herself?" I asked. "Ooo imma snitch" she said as I chuckled and grabbed my phone beginning to FaceTime my mother.
It dialed and She soon answered on the third ring.

"Hello?" She answered "hey momma" I answered. "Hey baby" she said with a big smile. "Did Y/N enjoy her birthday?" She started off as Y/N just smiled "You didn't send any pictures of
Y/N from last night either like you said" my mother added as I just chuckled and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I loved it" Y/N expressed poking her head in the camera as my mother smiled from ear to ear. "That's good baby" my mother started off. "Was there any grandchildren conceived?" She asked as
Y/N and I just shared a laugh and Y/N placed the phone on the bed.

The camera was on steady on the ceiling as my mothers face was all in the camera. "I'm just asking you know your mother would like some grandchildren, rashawn has a baby on the way but she'd like to see her oldest daughter pregnant" my mother added. "You should've have known this was going to happen" Y/N silently mouthed to me as we shared another laugh.

"And I would like to see a baby around here" my mother added. "Fix it" Y/N mouthed as I chuckled and picked the phone back up. "Ma I was just calling because of an awards ceremony not kids nobody's pregnant" I expressed. "Yeah but I've been wanting to sit down with you two and talk about these things" she said. "But nobody's trying" Y/N said. "Mike when you get back to LA we'll all sit down and have a conversation." My mother assured as Y/N just smiled and shook her head.

"Ma I called because I wanted to take Y/N with me to the MTV movie awards and she wanted you to go instead." I started off. "Can you please tell her you're okay with her going instead of you?" I asked as my mother laughed. "Michael hand Y/N the phone please?" She asked as I looked over at Y/N then handed her the phone. "Hello?" Y/N said "baby You are his girlfriend you can go with him on red carpets and with him to events it's okay" she assured.

"You are who he's dating I'm not going to get in the way of that I enjoyed seeing you two at the black panther premiere together imagine the Oscar's" she expressed holding her chest as I chuckled and Y/N smiled. "Yes I am his mother but you are his girlfriend I'm not going to get in the way of none of that" My mother assured as Y/N nodded. "Now you two get off of my phone with this foolishness" she said making Y/N and I share a small laugh. "Love you two" she said. "Love you too" Y/N and I both said before she hung up and I looked over at
Y/N and smiled.

"Set aside August 30th like I said" I teased rolling my eyes playfully changing the channel on the TV. "Don't get snatched up bakari" she warned as I smirked to myself.

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