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"So I seen you and Michael finally made it official this past weekend. How does that make you feel?" Mrs. Brown asked as I just smiled and shook my head before looking down. She just laughed. "It clearly makes you feel happy" I heard her say as I smiled and looked at her. "Yeah" I agreed. "It wasn't necessarily because he announced it to the world because we were going to do it when we wanted too but how happy he was in that moment when he did it made me happy" I expressed.
"You know it wasn't necessarily the award that made him happy like that while up there right?" She asked with a smile.

"The award was a plus but him announcing to the world you were his is what honestly made his night, I guarantee it. Ask him whenever you get a chance" she assured as I giggled. "I've honestly never felt like this with any other guy, I always dreamed about something like this but never obtained it until now" I admitted. "Yet you didn't want to give yourself fully to him" she playfully said waving me off as I giggled.

"The morning after I was on the phone with my best friend and he started playing Aaliyah which one of my favorites and I immediately started telling her that I was going to marry him repeatedly. He ended up over hearing me and I eventually apologized to him" I started off. "No" Mrs. Brown stated. "You never apologize for being happy nor do you apologize for being yourself" she stated as I smiled. "That's the same thing he said" I responded making her smile.

"You're in love and that's completely fine. It's okay for black women to find love and be happy not everyone's relationship has to be driven off of struggle love to obtain a relationship with someone I'm not saying you two won't have problems because what relationship doesn't? but you two are good." She assured with a big smile as I smiled.

"You two will get a lot of love and a lot of hate some people will agree with your happiness and some people won't but as long as you two know what's going on and you two are happy then everybody else's opinions doesn't matter" she explained as I nodded as our time was up. I stood up getting ready to say goodbye but Mrs. Brown stopped me. "You said you wanted to marry him right?" Mrs. Brown Questioned. "Yeah eventually" I admitted as she smiled.

"Can I take like five more minutes to give you a tip?" she asked as I nodded and sat down. "When you get married and even now make sure that you two never go to bed mad at each other because it's way to make sure resentment doesn't build in your relationship. Little issues can turn into bigger issues if a couple doesn't have healthy communication by setting this rule that says you're going to deal with it and not lose sleep or carry a problem into another day, you're making the commitment to each other to make your relationship/marriage and happiness a priority." She explained as I listened. "Depending on the situation" She added as I nodded.

"And another thing Is talking about goals for yourself and with each other as a couple and seriously talking about it whether it's marriage a kid anything because if there isn't a long term plan what's the point?" She asked as I agreed. I felt my phone vibrate as I looked down seeing Michael trying to call me but I ignored it. "I will let you go because I know you're a busy woman" She started off as we stood up. "Thank you" I thanked. "No problem I see the progress with you so keep it up" she encouraged as I smiled. We said our goodbyes before I left out.

I went to my car beginning to call Michael back as he answered on the fourth ring. "What big head?" I asked as he chuckled. "Damn it's like that?" He questioned. "Because you didn't want anything for real" I said as he chuckled. "You must not be hungry then" he simply said. "Did I say that though?" I questioned. "You know what Starve" he simply said hanging up as I laughed trying to call him back but he made it go straight to voicemail as I left one.

"Bakari this the last time You're going to treat me like a piece of shit, don't call my mother fucking phone no more" I said before hanging up as he then started FaceTiming me and I answered just to hang up on him.

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