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A month past as Michael seriously got my ass right in just a couple of weeks. I was currently about to go run errands with Michael and spending a little time with him before I flew out to Texas in the morning. "Your hair look good, Chloe did it?!" Michael asked referring to the braids I had

 "Your hair look good, Chloe did it?!" Michael asked referring to the braids I had

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as I got in on the passengers side of the car. "Yeah she didn't want me to have a style I would sweat out while out there so she put braids in my hair." I informed. "Damn you're going to be gone for a month, I can have peace around here" he said as I hit his arm. "Shut up" I said making him chuckle. "I'm just playing. You know I'm going to miss you" he said as I shook my head.

"Your ass about to have a field day on that Xbox that's really what's about to happen" I brought up. "That's not true when you're gone I'll be doing press for creed 2" he brought up as I frowned. "I want to go on the red carpet but I don't think I'm not going to be back in time" I brought up. "I know I nag you there too but you got to work" he said. "I know." I started off "if there's a creed three I'm not miss that red carpet" I assured making him chuckle. "I'm not missing that for anything I've been promise creed forever" I expressed.

"What if by the time creed three comes out you're pregnant and delivering?" He asked. "He or she can break my water after the premiere in the car back home. But I'm going to be there" I assured hearing Michael laugh. "Whew I can't even imagine being pregnant I just seen a video on a woman having lumps full of breast milk in her under arms" I brought up as he made a face. "What?!" He asked as I laughed. "Yes! You can have hair loss, your teeth can fall out , you can die pregnancy's scary as hell" I admitted.

"You gotta give that to the right person because ain't no way" Michael said shaking his head as I agreed. "I tried at one point because I wanted to fill the loneliness I had but fuck that now" I admitted making him chuckle. "You good now? You don't feel lonely do you?" Michael asked me looking between me and the road. "No, how can I when I take a shower and you're on the toilet talking to me?" I asked as we shared a laugh.

"No and honestly I think I'm going to cry when you drop me off at the airport tomorrow" I admitted as he chuckled. "Really?!" He questioned. "Yeah" I answered. "Why?" He asked. "Because I'm going to miss you and I know I'm going to be working but a month almost two is a lot" I explained. "When I shot for creed two you didn't cry" he brought up. "Yeah I know but I don't know it feels different" I admitted.

"Well you know I can catch a flight at anytime" he assured grabbing my hand "I know" I said then smiled feeling him kiss my hand as I smiled and looked out the window. "And when you get back we'll go somewhere or something" He suggested. "Yeah but it's the holidays you know the family is going to all want to be together" I brought up. "So we bring in the new year in Paris" He suggested. "Paris?" I asked looking over at him crazy as he chuckled. "Yeah Paris" He started off.

"Ain't that city of romance?" I asked "yeah" he answered. "Oooo what you trying to do?" I asked as he laughed. "How about we do Valentine's Day in Paris" I suggested. "Sounds like a date" He said smiling between me and the road. We soon made it to Target as I got some popcorn and we started walking around with a cart. We went in the feminine hygiene aisle as I got Tampons, vaginal wash and spray. "How the hell you know which one to get?" Michael asked looking at the wall of pads. "You get these if your spitting out of its really light" I said pointing to pantyliners "or if you just have discharge and you don't want to get your panties messed up" I added.

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